RIP Sandy Cortez

Dear TuDiabetes Family,
We just received word of the passing of member Sandy Cortez from the Philippines, through his wife. We shared his story in 2009. He dreamed of a kidney transplant and having a baby.

This is the message we received:
“Dear Manny

Hi! This is Sandy’s wife Prozel Cortez… This is to inform you of Sandy’s passing last January 24, 2010. It happened during one of his hemodialysis treatment. Please pray for his soul.

You may deactivate his account in tudiabetes as he is now with the Lord. I would like to thank all of you for he was able to share with friends about his illness and in a way he was able to help them cope with diabetes and for him to accept his. Thanks again and God bless you always.


We will honor his family’s wishes Wednesday of next week, to give you time to say goodbye to him on his profile page which will become inactive at that time.

Rest in Peace, Sandy…

Very sad to learn Sandy passed. He struggled valiantly & with dignity.

Yes, I have been very sad indeed.

Its an honor to have met somebody who have been so brave and strong… It is very very sad indeed.

So sad to hear. A prayer will be said for him!

I learned a lot from this man, he will be missed…

My thoughts go out to Sandy’s wife Prozel and family .

This is very sad to me. RIP Sandy.

i’ve been waiting for your message but i recieve nothing from you,nauna ka napala hope to see you again in the house of our father i know you are there coz youre a wonderful person. thanks for all your inspiring messages…

Even though I did not come across Sandy I send my prayers and best wishes.
Rip Sandy

May the Blessings of God Almighty be with you this day and remain with you always. Amen.

Very sorry to learn of Sandy’s passing. May he find peace in God and my condolences to his loved ones.

sorry to hear about the passing of one of our family members of TuDiabetes my prayers go out to his wife and family RIP Sandy

Sorry to hear of Sandy’s passing. I hope it was quick and painless. I, also, did not know of his messages because, sad to say, my eyes have been focused inward on my own problems. I must admit that I probably missed many blessings in his messages. Peace to his loved ones.


Very sad too hear rest in peace Sandy .

So sorry…my deepest condolences to his family, and that they may grieve with the support of one another.