Saying THANKS to Scott!

You know him! He’s the “cranky, old guy” in the Admin team… well, not any more.

A few weeks ago, Scott let me know about this decision to step off of the admin position he’s been holding for nearly two years:

Scott has been an incredible member of the community and the admin team. Though we are super-sad to see him leave the team, we sure hope he continues to participate in the community and continue his extraordinary diabetes advocacy work in and around Kansas and through his blog:


Oh Scott, we’ll miss you as admin, so many times I’ve been thankful you were here to help. We’ll see you around I know and also on Twitter. big hug from me! keep up the snarky comments.

Thank you Scott for the great advice you have given me and kind words. You are a wonderful “Cranky, Old Guy”. Best wishes to you. Robyn

Thanks Manny and everyone, it has definitely been my pleasure to be able to volunteer here at Tudiabetes. I’ve learned alot from everyone I’ve had contact with and this site has definitely been key to my improved control and acceptance of my diabetes

I know I’ll be around to check up on you kids… /wink


Waaaa (that’s supposed to be a cry) missing you. Hope you will be checking on us & joining in when you can. Won’t be the same with you gone.

Thank you for your many contributions, the smiles, great advice, insights & your charming crankiness, which was never really cranky.

Thanks Scott. Will miss you but you gotta take a break sometimes too. All the best. Pauly

Awww Cranky…now I won’t be able to bother you when I have a “Doh” moment. I know it’s a Big job. Wait! Maybe I still could. You still got the connections. YAY! Thanks for all your help, Good ideas, advice, blogs and cheery disposition Scott. Don’t be a Stranger!! :slight_smile:

Thank you Scott. Hopefully you stick around and continue to help the rest of us!

Thanks for serving, Scott!

I never found you cranky, but darn good looking, of course! Thanks for everything, present, past and future. :slight_smile:

I realize it’s tough to do everything, and your work here at TuDiabetes was appreciated by many. Fortunately, we will still have access to your blog, and your Twitter chats!

Thank You Scott! I still say Your Not OLD!!! Let’s see here I think we’re the same age and I’m not old!!! Hope you don’t forget us!