I use the liquid when I’m home. I travel alot and bring the wipes as well as the removing wipes.
I also use Opsite Flexifix. I cut a hole for the transmitter, and put it on. It works great.
Others on this site had advised me to use Mastisol (I believe that it is some plant-based gum) and it comes in small spray bottles. I sweat in my workouts every day in Massachusetts. I shower without any cover for the sensor site and I usually do not have to begin using the mastisol until after the first 7 days. I have had sensors last up to 15 days using the mastisol, though the tape does get a bit stiff by then. Experiment and I suspect you’ll find a way!
Same here… I sometimes use mastisol, sometimes not… just depends on how humid it is and how much sweating I anticipate doing
I use the 4" wide flexifix, cut a peice about 3" long, round the corners so those won’t peel up easily, then cut a hole in the middle that is about 5 squares by 9 squares to fit over the sensor/transmitter.
My current tape job is on day 12 and still holding in there… I think it will last the life of this sensor. In the summer I usually end up re-taping the whole thing by day 7 or so. I just trim off the flexifix tape at the edge of the dexcom tape, and tape over it just like I did the first time.