SEIZURES! have you ever had them?

hi everyone
,once about 6 months after diagnosis,I was watching a movie called Derailed
about Charles,he had a sick daughter, Charles & his wife were awaken from their sleep by sounds from their daughter,they rushed to the room and she was seizing,and I was like,OK,poor girl has epilepsy,her mum was getting her medicine out,and I was like,hey,didn’t know epilepsy’s medicine is in vials and administered through shots like insulin!
and then Charles the other day is talking to his friend about her,she’s diabetic type1 actually!having a low!
given the Glucagon!
I didn’t complete the movie, and went to sleep walking like a zombie,I was like:Great,now I have diabetes & epilepsy! sure,I red here about people mentioning seizures once in a while but never made the connection!
I once while having a low,as mom said,was hardly closing my mouth,kind of seizing I guess
I am kind of scared over it,how does it happen?I googled and all,but I would really like some details and tips from people here,what happened and all,any kind of information,it would really help :slight_smile:
thanks :smiley:

not me personally but I know a Type 1 who has seizures in her sleep when her blood sugar is too low - i mean reall low like below 30. she uses one of those CGMs and it starts beeping when she gets really low while she’s asleep

I wouldn’t personally call it seizures but I have had 2 of them. For me, it was more like convulsions and they stopped when I got sugar in me. Both times it happened when I was sleeping so I didn’t even know it was happening. I didnt have glucagon at the time so he sat me up and dumped coke down my throat. It happed when I was taking NPH which was harder to predict than Lantus or Levemir. I wouldn’t say that an instance of seizing is going to happen exactly like in the movie Derailed or the way it happened with me but it can happen. It shouldn’t be frequent if your bg’s are well controlled. Just keep testing and doin your best to take care of yourself.

Reminds me of one of the worst lows I’ve ever had in high school. I began feeling low in PE class but didn’t treat it (even as I started feeling low my thinking was affected so I could not figure out what was wrong, but knew something was). Lunch period was after that and I somehow made it to my locker (though classmates I talked to on the way later said I made no sense and was pretty out of it), but then collapsed in the middle of the hallway, and when my friend (who THANKFULLY figured out fast what was going on) tried to make me sit up I started laughing and lay there just laughing hysterically. I don’t remember much from that low but I do remember staring up at the hallway lights and the dozens and dozens of students walking past staring at me. Very embarrassing the next day for a teenager! Thankfully I did not actually pass out (though I’m sure I would have had my friend not been there) and my friend somehow got something into me, enough that my brain began working and I was able to treat myself.

To answer the OP’s question: I have nearly passed out (been semiconscious and unable to help myself or get help) a few times from lows when I was younger. Always it was after a very prolonged low that was not treated for whatever reason. I have had seizures as a kid that were unrelated to diabetes (had I had one more I would have been diagnosed with epilepsy, but then they just myseriously stopped). I think most seizures happen when a low has gone on for so long without being treated that the brain just runs out of fuel and malfunctions. I have not had a severe low in the past 10 years (been type 1 for 18 years) and think it was largely related to the older insulin regimen of Toronto (regular) and NPH.

I have seizures with nightime lows. Only when sleeping, my guess is that is the only time my sugar is able to get low enough to trigger a seizure. It isn’t epilepsy, it is the bodies way to dump massive amounts of sugar into the system. Because we are all different not everyone has the same issue. I don’t need glucagon if I have a seizure, just wait a few minutes and my sugar will be going way up. As the body is seizing it is calling for massive amounts of sugar from the liver ( the bodies glucagon). I have had too many to count, but only one was of a grand mal variety. Most are mild, only a dozen or so with tongue biting. But the each new dental hygenist asks about the scars on my tongue. I guess I am lucky I haven’t bitten my tongue off yet. Just Monday night I had one and almost broke my wife’s hand when she got too close. They are scary to watch I guess. I have been diabetic for 30 years and they started after about ten years when I was about 21.

Seizures from hypos aren’t epilepsy. Please don’t be afraid.

I haven’t seen that movie, but films tend to really over-dramatize diabetes. Steel Magnolias was over the top.

i am really,really,thankful for everyone who shared his story here
i am off to school now :stuck_out_tongue:
when i get back,i have a few comments to add :slight_smile:

I actually had a seizure about a week ago when my blood sugar dropped to the point my meter wouldnt read my levels anymore My machene readsto atleast 20 beause I have seen it that low before, so it had to be close to the single digits if not lower Im going to be honest I dont remember much untill the aramedis were standing around my bed forcing a oenut butter sandwich down my throat. But yes it does happen

it seems that seizures are more likely to happen while asleep ?

that’s quit a relief :wink:
i also get well below 20 without even passing out :smiley:

yeah I get it,I had a convulsion that time I guess
even though I absolutely understand that NPH had so many lows,I get sometimes lows daily even though I use lantus
as you said,movies make things much more troubling,but a seizure is a seizure,thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

that really made me smile,I had a really bad morning,yet that made me smile
(devil’s insulin)!

I remember the story,but can’t exactly imagine the incident,I am high schooler so I get what you mean
and that bloody pool!what a vision!
now that what i cal scary 0.o
it’s a miracle that you’re still alive after what you have done in your past :slight_smile:

everyones different. it’s certainy not impossible, I have them when my blood sugars extremely low. everyone just has different symptoms. I’ve been down to 22 and not had one, but there been a select few times when I was sleeping and my moms walked in to my body failing on my bed.

I hope I never get that in my high school life
what a good friend you have :slight_smile:
I also had a bad low once in computer science,it was embarrassing,I was sweating pools!
there were water marks on the book I slept on!
thankfully my friend got me to the doctor’s office :slight_smile:

that’s my guess too :slight_smile:
I know it’s not epilepsy :slight_smile: or else I would have committed suicide ;D
wow,that’s a piece of information I am never forgetting,I can visualize the nerves exploding to make sugar reaches the cells
really,how much was your blood sugar by then?
so you wake up with pools of blood around you :smiley:
so the mild ones don’t make you have those convulsions,but only the grand mal ?
wow,I heard that when someone has a seizure,you shouldn’t be around them,nor they should be around anything
thanks for the information and the experience you shared :slight_smile:

thanks Gerri
your short yet comforting words have such a nice touch :slight_smile:

so it’s real I guess
I would really like to know what happens exactly
you kind of made my wish true :slight_smile:
thank you

Many Diabetics have seizures after feeling Very tired during the day and have to have a nap. Or during their sleep at night sometimes, although they may not realize it.

Others will feel a terrible chill with rattling teeth and sweat-soaked clothing and bedding when they awaken. Some may feel foggy-brained or have a severe headache and confusion and/or have bitten their tongue or feel hunger or nausea and an overwhelming feeling.

Everytime I had a seiure I was really low! Keep a watch on your bs and keep it up. Mine have always happened if I fell below 25.