I had a low blood sugar and seizure a few days ago. My two grandchildren, ages 7 and 4 were with me. We were out picking berries and I didn’t have my phone with me or diabetes candy. I usually have both. I chewed up my tongue pretty good. I remember feeling a bit low so was eating the berries instead of putting them in the bucket. Then shock-like lights were hitting and I couldn’t think clearly. Next I remember walking to the house. My grandson said “grandma, you fainted! Your eyes were wide open and your mouth like this”. He re-enacted how I fell backwards onto the ground.
Needless to say, I am terrified and keeping an ultra vigilant eye on my blood sugar. My diabetes has never stayed the same. I think having developed Hashimoto’s hypothyroid has confused things. When I was undiagnosed, I had a very sluggish metabolism. Now things are going back to normal. Also, I am more active in the summer. Today, I reduced my basal another point. Started at 11 and now at 9. We’ll see. I’m just scared.
With more daylight and warmer temps its easy to not realize the additional activity most do in the summer. Often sneaks up on you.
Always carry glucose, year-round!!!
Been there done that, don’t want to ever go back. I am currently working on fencing my property line and it’s the perfect trifecta of heat, physical labor and a steep hill. I keep a small backpack with my water and snacks on me at all times. I take a drink of water every 5 minutes or so and check my BG on either my pump or my phone and treat if needed. I have gone pretty low several times even with this routine because of how fast I can drop when I’m really working but since I’m being proactive it comes back up as soon as the carbs have a chance to work. I know this is scary but a little bit of preparation goes a long way.
If you don’t have a glucagon prescription, get one. Your BG may be a little unstable for a few days. Do you think you ate enough berries for them to bring your BG back up or did your grandsons treat you?
That sounds scary. Luckily u r ok. I usually carry sugar in the form of gel packets in pockets, bras, and in purse. When I am leaving home, check for keys, sugar. I have been without sugar and entering a low and I know it scary. Take care.
First of all, your story sounds scary and I’m glad you’re OK! Your instinct to learn what you can from the experience is a healthy one. My insulin needs always change, sometimes just a little but I try to make those changes when needed. More active days with longer daylight is definitely a time when adjustments are needed.
Do you wear a CGM? I think the responsibility of young grandchildren is a good case for taking further precautions. (I’m a new grandfather and treasure that role!) Not to mention safety of your life and limbs. Those of us with insulin dependent diabetes lived a long time before the CGM technology but why go without if you have affordable access?
Good luck. We all have scary stories; it’s part of the 24/7 game of trying to run a metabolism on manual. It’s not easy but I’m sure you can get your confidence back!
I think I ate enough berries to raise the bg, but there was a bit of a delay… long enough to land me flat on the ground
Yes, i wear a CGM. The phone receiver was in the house. That won’t happen again.
Congratulations on your grandchild!
How are you feeling now?
Sometimes it takes some days to really recover (neurologically) after a seizure…like you might need more sleep or process info slower that usual, depending on the severity of the seizure.
I definitely would have experienced some type of critical failure if I hadn’t dropped my basal rate by 20% across the board this summer. The change came on really quickly and I had to act fast.
I’m glad that you were not alone when this happened. Hang in there. Your fixing things. Watch those numbers, especially when exercising, until you feel more secure about it all.
I’m pretty exhausted. This event shook me. And there is a large laceration on my tongue as a reminder. I can’t let it happen ever again.
Thank you so much for asking. Only another person with T1D would understand.
I use Tresiba, so the basal reduction will be in effect tomorrow, day 3 of the change.
I’ve been hypervigilant watching Dexcom on my phone, and my vigilance has caught so many wonky readings. Hopefully things will level off soon.
Thanks again,
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Do you have a CGM? I resisted getting one for years, but now that I’ve had a Dexcom 6 for about a year, I’ll NEVER stop using this technology. The alarms have saved me from serious problems over & over. Although there are issues & annoyances with the CGM, the benefits FAR outweigh any disadvantages. You won’t have to be scared any more because your CGM will beep at you until you do something to correct either a high or a low. I’m sorry you had to experience such a frightening event.
Totally reasonable reaction in this situation. Seizures are really unnerving. If you feel like you need help (data analysis or another pair of eyes), you can always post detailed records here. I’ve done that before when I got really frustrated with the numbers. Don’t be too conservative in dropping those basal rates. Better safe than sorry.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope things get better.
Yes, I have a Dexcom CGM, and agree that I don’t want to ever be without it. I didn’t have my phone/receiver with me at this specific event. I was picking blueberries with my grand children, just a short distance from the house. My insulin to carb ratio suddenly changed as well as my basal insulin needs. I was caught.
Sometimes pockets in women’s clothes just don’t accommodate a large phone.
My two adult children got me the newest Apple Watch thinking I would always have my blood sugar on my wrist. I can’t wait for Dexcom to transmit signal directly to the watch.
Thank you your input. I made the doctor appointment. I’m just worried they will pull my drivers license.
You can use the receiver of the Tandem to carry if u like. I use the receiver on me and also send the signal to my phone so I can use either.
Check your state driver’s license policy.
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Just some unsolicited advice for @Lauri and anyone else:
Leave some well wrapped dried fruit or any other reasonably stable form of emergency sugar more or less permanently in various pockets, handbags, parachute packs, sword scabbards, whatever.
Some advice one of my daughters was once given in a first-aid course: When in the slightest doubt, give sugar. If the person’s going into a hypo, it could easily be lifesaving. Even if the person is very hyper, the added sugar is unlikely to do significant damage.
Gosh, I don’t use a pump. I use Tresiba and Afrezza. I tried the Tandem pump shortly after dx, and did not like it at all.
I think I’ll pull out the Dexcom receiver. It is smaller than my phone and can clip on to clothing, so small pockets won’t be an issue.
My kids got me the newest Apple watch. I wish Dexcom would figure out the technology to bluetooth direct to watch. But with the receiver and the watch, I think I’ll be better off than the clunky phone.
Depends on the State. Any healthcare provider/peace officer can report you to the State at any time and have it revoked.
What State are you in, @Lauri ?
I would be most cautious in IL and CA. I think that @El_Ver told me that they will revoke for any loss of consciousness (even at home) in CA. That would be atypical in MN. In MN, they are likely to revoke you for loss of consciousness behind the wheel, but not at home. One exception might be older women. I feel like they get revoked ALL the time in town here for any little thing.