Seven Decades Of Type 1

My story has been posted on Diabetes Mine today (7/3/15). Thanks Michael Hoskins!

Note: My actual 70 years will be completed in mid Sept.


Congrats Richard! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do each and every day.

I am very close to your diaversary date, but not the year. Like you, I don’t remember the exact date, but I know it was a few days before my dad’s birthday on 9/16, so I choose to mark 9/13. Of course, I was diagnosed in a different year, 1973.


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I’m going to be at FFL and hope to hear you speak an meet you in person.


Hello Brian, I am looking forward to meeting you! :slight_smile:

Richard, I saw this today. Mike did a nice job and it is a great story…


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yes richard i read your story on facebook

congrats & stay well
keep on smiling

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Congrats Richard. My 53 years is coming up in August 2015. You are definitely an inspiration.
Continued good health to you.

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