My 65'th Anniversary

Today (Sept 15) is the 65’th anniversary of my type 1 diagnosis. I was diagnosed in 1945, just 5 days after my 6’th birthday. To have no serious diabetes related complications after 65 years of type 1 seems rather amazing. I don’t know why I am so lucky, my doctor’s have no explanation. The most popular theory seems to be “good genes”. That does make good sense, but I don’t think it has been proved by research.

The Joslin Medalist Study has examined more than 600 long term type 1 diabetics. All the participants have been type 1 for at least 50 years, and they do not have any serious complications. The study is scheduled to conclude in April, 2011. Maybe the factor(s) that explain our having long, healthy lives will be revealed in Dr King’s final report at that time.


Happy Anniversary Richard!

That is great! Congrats! You are such an inspiration! No complications or anything! I hope I am like this too! :slight_smile:

Wow! Happy 65 strong D years Richard!

I sure hope the factors are revealed, so I too, can be so lucky as you! That is wonderful…So happy for you!

Congratulations!!! So happy for you!! I too am thankful for your example, inspiration and accomplishments. I am sure you deserve much credit in your outcome. :wink:

Congrats! You are awesome and your story inspirational… Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


Congratulations and best wishes to you Richard! I have had Type I since age 5 and I’m now 50, also with no complications! When I grow up I want to be just like you. God has blessed you. Your diligence is to be commended.

Congratulations! That’s very inspiring. I hope you have many many more years of good health to come!

Congratulations! It’s people like you that make me a little less fearful about my son. I hope he can follow in your footsteps.

You give me soooo much hope Richard!!! Happy Anniversary!!!

Congratulations Richard!!

Congratulations Richard! You set an inspiring example for us all!

Congratulations, Richard!!! You are a true inspiration to all of us!!

Congratulations Richard!

Congratulations! You are an example to all of us…

Wishing u many happy returns of the B’Day and hope for continued freedom from complications of Diabetes. I have observed, people with T1 and having fairly good control on their BG # and good lifestyle are free from serious complications. U r a very motivating example.

Happy 65th Diaversary, Richard! Way to keep going strong after so long! You give those of us short-terms (26 years in this case) even more hope about what’s possible. Thanks for sharing!



You inspire me. Thanks for sharing.