So Many Misconceptions

Has anyone else had to deal with non diabetic people assuming everything they think they know about diabetes? I got 3 comments about diabetes yesterday and they were all wrong. I’m a type 1. I was at the flea market with my family and my Diabetic Alert Dog, Shyla. People were stopping me and asking questions about her. One man stopped me (a type 2, I might add) and after I said Shyla is a DAD, he replied “But you don’t have any weight issues…How can you be a diabetic?” Shouldn’t a type 2 realize that type 1 isn’t linked to weight?
Then a lady stopped me and was talking to me about Shyla. She said “But only kids can get this, right?” Um, no. I told her that people can be diagnosed at any age. Then as I was leaving, she said “Wait, you will grow out of this, wont you?” Again, no. I told her there is no cure for this.
Am I the only one annoyed by this, or am I just too easily irritated?

Oh dont get me started. I’ve met nurses that dont remember or know the difference between type1 and type2. It’s a weekly thing educating people on type 1. Yes it gets annoying.

Lol thanks Mikey, now I dont feel so bad about getting irritated :slight_smile:

Im new to tudiabetes but not new to diabetes. But I cant figure out how to friend anyone. When I click friend request it takes a list of my email contacts. I was trying to friend request you. (?) someone friend requested me but I dont know how to do it to others.

there should be a button right below my profile pic that says “add as friend”

Got it thanks! How did I miss that? and here I am making fun of people that dont know about type1. Duh myself. Thanks!

lol your welcome


They get me too with comments like that. Yes I took Type 1 at 10 but I NEVER outgrew it! I know I shouldn’t be like that but…HATE THAT PERTICULAR COMMENT!!!

yeah i do too. and i get it all the time since im still young. “but youll outgrow it right?” “itll go away when your older wont it?” N-O. NO!

I was told 37 years ago I WOUNLD NEVER outgrow it and now I kinda get ill when someone says that to me! I took shot’s up til 23 years ago when I started pumping and well that took a pg to get me off the shots/

yeah i wish people understood…

No you’re not the only one I’ve heard it all my life. I’ve heard those who think that herbs or certain foods will health me and so on. I’ve learned to live with it because I know what’s brought me this far. For those who are willing to listen I give them an education re: difference between T1 and T2…people will be people.

Thanks Betty J. I try to educate people, but its so irritating sometimes…

The ons who tell me what I can and can’t eat, or start rambling on either about fiber or the glycemic index. Hello, people, I brought my own food, I know what’s in it thank you very much! There, I said it.

Type ones and LADA’s are a minority of the diabetic population. Medical training facilities may only “glaze over” auto-immune based diabetes , as type 2’s are by far the majority of diabetics in the U.S.So I do not expect tne majority of people to differentiate. Even some medical personnel are unsure of the difference…So I just kindly inform them, with a smile and patience.
.Think about it, if you did not have type one diabetes, nor knew or had not knowingly seen nor met anyone with type one, would you even think about the difference?

God BLess,

Mikey, just click on the person’s name, wait for their profile to appear, ,then click on Add as a friend, and wait for their response. I just did it for you, and am waiting for your response.

Under what circumstances would you expect a random diabetic person with type 2 to know all about type 1? What diseases that you don’t have do you know all about? Do you know all about cystic fibrosis? Prostate cancer? Hepatitis C? I always find it confusing when people expect other people, who don’t have their fairly rare condition, to somehow have been born into the world with full knowledge of it.

Im sorry. I just figured that since he’s a type 2, he would know that type 1 doesnt have anything to do with weight. Ive never had a type 2 say that before.
I do know about cystic fibrosis. One of my best friends has it :confused:

I don’t get frustrated because I don’t know everything there is to know in this world…we all have our expertise.