Something to think about

Taking care of your diabetes.

For many years I have struggled how I might inspire some of my friends with diabetes to take better care of themselves. I can really say that when the blood sugar monitor became available to me, that I could do my very best to get and keep control of my diabetes, that is to say that while I couldn’t always meet with success, in the majority of situations I was able to win the battle. Although some are able to successfully keep control, some are not. In response to the daily demands of diabetes, they have all but given up, at least for some time until something happened to them that made them suddenly realize that giving up was very damaging to their health.

They have come to appreciate just how difficult it is to apply good self-care, day after day after day indeed for the rest of their lives.

Of course I travelled the same way at times but couldn’t afford to ever give up, it simply would make me too sick to do so.

We can easily get overwhelmed trying to balance the many demands of diabetes, including the many times of monitoring, medication , diet and exercise.

For that reason, to help those who were giving up I did write the letter called, " Rules or Guide Liness for the Diabetic", which found great appreciation with people who had to face diabetes all of a sudden. Health care is often limited, diabetes education may be unavailable. Support of loved ones may be non-existent. Add to that the stresses of daily life and it is no surprise that many people react by getting angry, depressed, frustrated or discouraged about having diabetes.

Doctors have mistakenly ignored an enormous source of expertise namely the diabetic him/herselves. They have to learn that in treating diabetes there must be a partnership with the patient of at least 50-50 to achieve success. In particular those who gave up and than suddenly returned to really taking care of their disease, they must find out why the sudden change? I believe my letter of the Rules or Guideliness for the Diabetic was one of those sources that helped them do that. Won’t post it unless asked for by at least two people don’t want to bore you to death by posting it too often! So what happened to change your perspective, that made you suddenly realize that diabetes care was worth your effort? For some it was the onset of complications, and they will say, "I should have started with my care long time ego. But better late than never! There are many reasons why people suddenly take better care of themselves than before. For me the change came with the possession of my first blood-sugar monitor!

What did it for you? Let’s hear about you!?!?


Please post it! I must have been gone during the 1st time you posted it! Would LOVE to read it!

I would love to read it also!

For most of my years with diabetes, I did really good. I ate healthy, mostly salads. And I exercised regularly - for awhile, I was even running 10 miles a day. I ended up with gastroparesis & neuropathy and right around that time, I was also put on Lantus. Everything started falling apart and no one knew how to manage BS with gastroparesis - at least none of the medical people I saw did. I had about 5 really bad years. What turned it around for me was finding people online that were able to help. For me, it wasn’t that I didn’t care, it was I did not know what to do with gastroparesis.

Please do post Johnben,

David is doing really well at age 17, DX age 10, but I find that the more info, the more life experiences, the more suggestions that he has, the better he does. We made a trip to Kingston last spring. Basically Ottawa to Kingston so a couple hours drive and a stay over. David was blown away by the message and information that was passed on by the JDRF symposium and their guest speaker Chris Jarvis. He told me that the symposium was eye opening and I will bet you that he has improved his A1C since then, even though he was doing OK for a 17 year old to start with.

I sent you a message a whle back but didn’t hear back, so I am happy to see that after all that you have been struggling through that you are OK enough to send some wisdom our way.

Cheryl, mom of David