What would you do?

What would you do or recommend if your just in a point in life and your getting frustrated and you feel like giving up and everything is just taking a toll on you?

I know how you feel. I’ve been a diabetic since 10 and now I’m 47. I just take one day at a time and make sure I do what I can. No advice here just remember your here now with us.

I think a lot of us have been at this point at one time or another. For me, I try to take a step back and try to find some objectivity. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed. But if you stop and breathe and look at it one item at the time you might see that it is not all as daunting as it seems. Some things are easier and within your reach - focus on those. Remember, you can’t boil an ocean. So break it down to smaller units. The other thing is what you are doing right now – asking for help. If you put out there some of the things that seem so overwhelming right now, you might find someone here with some real specific thoughts to help. Also, consider professionals. I am a big believer in therapy. Diabetes is a chronic life long disease and it in and of itself is very challenging sometimes – add onto that the other bumps in life and it can be downright oppressive. There are people out there expert in this stuff who can really give you a leg up when you need it. The most important thing is recognize that you need to put yourself and your needs first at these times. It’s only when we have ourselves in step that we can really be helpful to others. You’re in the right place. This community cares.

ive been type 1 diabetic for almost 35 years now and i am over whelmed with the insulin pump,and all the stesses of everyday life,i give my cares to the Lord He hears me and listens and gives me a peace,
try relaxing taking a nap,lesssen caffine and sodas and just take time for yourself

It must be a Virus, I had that last week for 3 days, it was so terrible, I cried day after day, and in a Pity pot, it wasn’t me… but it did pass.
So I hope you can try and calm your thoughts and focus on something else and your will pass to:)

We all need spring to come:)

What I do : I talk to ME and tell me" to get off it " ; at age 70 I still can hear ME ; above all I pay attention !!..sounds simplistic , yet it works , so far.

Hi Tina: I sometimes have “diabetes days from hell.” When I am in a bad place, I do more testing and am more careful to keep good blood sugar control, because being out-of-control leads to out-of-control emotions (depression, anger, etc.). I try to do nice little things for myself. I try to take pleasure in the smallest of things, like blooming flowers or petting my darling cats. I try to lean on friends, including those who really understand diabetes, like the great people here at TuD.

Tina, you do exactly as you did, come here to vent the anger and frustration 'cuz nearly every one of us knows what it feels like to want to give up.

Is there one thing you can take off your plate just to lighten the load a bit, even if for a short time? It sounds as if you’re focusing a lot on things external when what needs attention is internal; I agree with Donna’s recommendation of therapy, especially if it helps you to sort out the priorities (the first of which should always be YOU).

And Melitta’s solution works, too – lots of times, I wonder where I’d be if not for my Oliver. =^-^=