I am starting my low carb diet tomorrow. Currently I am on Lantus and Apidra.
How did you guys cut your Insulin? I am currently taking 30 Lantus in the evening and 25 in the morning. Did you guys cut it back at all in the beginning or did you just cut down throughout the diet?
I am really scared of going to low …
You shouldn’t need to cut your Lantus at all, because that’s your basal, and it shouldn’t change. Are you carb counting to determine your Apidra dose right now? Because first of all, you would decrease the dose simply because you are eating fewer carbs. But then, as my good friend Alan said below (above?), you may find yourself increasingly affected by eating more protein, of which 58% converts to glucose. So you would need to weigh your protein and dose for it. But protein converts more slowly than carbs, and for me, if I eat a high protein meal, I need to use a square wave bolus, because my Novolog quits before the protein is entirely converted. If you’re on shots, maybe you would need to take part of your dose 2 hours after eating. What percent, I don’t know, but I hope someone else will chime in!
Hello I use lantus 10- in the morning, the rest of my meals just veggies and protien, I first had a have a log of meals and how different food- ie- fuel, effects my BG, I cycle and nordic ski everyday which is so important to my mental and Diabetic health, never give up the low carb diet works.
I’m taking 14 units of Levemir at night. When I go low carb, I don’t change my insulin. Eating low carb results in my BG being underfed 100 or up to 120 most of the time. If I don’t eat low carb my BG stays below 140 most of the time as long as I keep carbs in mind.
Hope your BGs are better:) I tried to use Apidra through a pump on the Bernstein and/or lower CHO and found Novolog worked better for me. You may have realize you need to adjust your long acting (in my case basal through pump) to catch the protein that is being absorbed over time. It is a juggling act and none of it is perfect. Basals really act as both basal and partial boluses so when you switch what you eat and/or insulin…you have to consider it all. Despite all of the unknowns, low CHO/pumpin/CGMS has resulted in my A1C’s are great. Have been below 7 since I started even though living a more stressful life the past 2 years, +/- Apidra, eating slightly more CHOs, etc. I lived years w/ A1c’s in the 8.0’s no matter what I did. The other component to consider is the addition of CGMS which has made all the difference for me. I chose to get my new transmitter over a new pump this month. It helps immensely to keep BGs in range. Good luck to you!