So, my Endo wanted me to do a stomach emptying scan - test, which I did this AM. No big deal, really and I had the nicest tech doing the test! :) I didn't have to stay for the 3 hour scan so I'm hoping that's a good sign?? I'll find out soon enough, I suppose.
However, I thought I'd reach out with this question, see if anyone has any advice - thoughts. My scan was at 11am, nothing to drink/eat 4 hours prior to test or after 7AM. woke up at 5:30am 124, drank coffee and a few bites of low carb yogurt bolused extra for DP, too and that was it. I took my levemir at 8:30AM, 5.5u. By 11am time for test I was 188. I kept thinking it's been the mid morning coffee spiking me but I didn't have that this morning. Any thoughts on why I keep spiking like this mid-morning, is this still DP later in the morning, not enough basal overnight or in general? I don't think it's stress, I'm stressed all the time (ha!) and don't spike like this other then in the AM.
Restarting pump (again) next Wednesday...going to try again. THANKS!
I have DP (basal rate goes up overnight), but I also have a huge spike in BG if I get up and don't eat within the first hour or so. My endo thinks this is stress, since days I don't eat are often days I'm running late. And this may be part of it, because I've noticed on weekends I don't spike as much if I get up and just laze around. But I still spike. The difference is on the weekend I might wake up at 100 and be 160-180 by the time I eat if I delay breakfast; on weekdays I wake up at 100 and might be 250-300 by the time I eat if I delay breakfast. This spiking isn't an issue with my basal rate, because if I sleep in until noon I wake up with a normal blood sugar. So it's something my body does only when I get up and don't eat right away. To combat this I bolus if I plan on not eating right away, but of course I don't always plan it. And, with the boluses I have to be careful not to overdo it and go low, as my endo pointed out after looking at my records.
thanks so much, jen! it seems to happen if I eat too. And yeah, I've gone close to 300's in this AM time frame as well. I don't know. I too can go low sometimes if I bolus for it. So messed up..ugh! Jen, when you spike like this, do you sweat? I am profusely sweating, like my back, legs, face, every part of my body soaking wet when I spike like this and as you've mentioned before, horrible headaches when I spike and then drop, shooting pains in my head. I hope starting on a pump will help me, I still can't sleep through the night without huge drops and then huge spikes, too. THANKS!