Hello All,
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes about 2 years ago, I am doing mostly ok, but have noticed an increased hypoglycemia unawareness lately. The reason this seems weird to me is that as far as I learned, this happens usually to people who had diabetes for a long time and have experienced a lot of hypoglycemic episodes, therefore the body has become so "used" to low numbers, that it fails to send the usual warning symptoms that go along with a low, e.g. shaking, sweating, not thinking clearly, extreme hunger and so on.
Since I was diagnosed, I have been on a relatively low carb diet and my numbers have been reasonably well controlled (A1c always between 5 and 6) although with my pancreas lately not much helping out anymore and me eating a few more carbs I have had more fluctuation with post prandial numbers. (160 - 180 not so rare) and also I have seen more mild lows (usually I catch them through "intuitive" testing at around 60mg/dl)
But yesterday morning I exercised harder than usual, and 1,5 hours after lunch (which I injected 6 units apidra for) I checked, thinking the exercise might have influenced my BG more than anticipated, and found myself with a reading of 48mg/dl.
This is the lowest I have ever been, and I felt no symptoms at all. Only after I saw that number I began shaking, but I believe that that was more anxiety than anything else. I treated and was fine 20 mins later, but it really scared me, because I thought I would surely have to feel some discomfort with that kind of BG?!
I also wondered how I would have done if I wasnt at home but out somewhere – and had maybe not make the decision to test, how far would I have been from fainting??
Can anyone tell me at what number this could or would usually occur?
And could I really have an unawareness that would not let me feel any symptoms before being knocked out?
I always thought my hypo awareness wasnt the best, usually only in my low 60s would I feel somehow "off", maybe a little weak or brain-foggy, but I have never experienced anything like what happened yesterday.
If well controlled, shouldn't I feel symptoms coming on if the BG even drops below 70 mg/dl?
Has anyone have any ideas as to why I could be experiencing this unawareness, and what I could do to fix it?
The thought really worries me not to be able to catch my lows in time, always having to rely on my metre and not being able to trust my body's signals.
So I d be very thankful for any ideas, tips and feedback.
Thank you all :)