Partly as a result of what I think is sub-par research ability, I am unable to find an answer on this site to the question of the effect of Vit D3 on a T1’s blood sugar.
A year or so ago the PCP prescribed a massive dose of Vit D (don’t recall the amount but probably 10,000), with instruction to maintain the level with OTC vitamins once the Rx had run. Like all fully compliant patients, I finished the Rx but never followed up with maintenance.
Not surprisingly, this year’s visit showed Vit D again at deficient level; direction was given for 2,000 units daily, which was started two days ago. Among other effects since is lower than usual BG throughout the day – great on the one hand since stress in the past month blew my A1c from 6.8 to 7.5 – but not so good because I am losing awareness of the lows, having three or four per day.
My routine is otherwise unchanged, which is why Vit D seems suspect. Reader’s thoughts are welcome…
And what is the difference between “D” and the only apparently available variation, “D3”?