Teen support group!

Hi Guys how are we today,

I am writein this blog as i was very surprised to hear from a friend on this that she does not know any other T1D around her. I live in a small part of Irealnd and I know about 50 kids and teens with T1D. My nurse set up a teen supoort group with all of us teen diabetics in our county, there is about 15 of us...?..We meet up regularly for meetings and talk and plan our next event or trip. Every year all the kids and teens in Wexford go to Dublin for a Diabetic Summer camp for three days where we do verrrrrry fun and exctitng stuff and learn more about diabetes. Nurses come form the hospital in case of emegancies and we go on hikes, and do lots of fun stuff!...we are all very good friends and go out with each other like to the movies and mcDonalds haha we have also been bowling, done marathons in aid of our group and have upcoming fund raisers!..We do many exciting stuff together and we have a trip planned for a week with other diabetics from different counties!:)..Sorry if this is full of mistakes I am low lol and cant think of everything we do! Thanks for reading , Emma


Now that sounds GREAT! How I wish there had been a Support Group out there like that 37 years ago! Have loads of fun!!!

Yeah its reaaly good we all love meeting up and even if we dont talk about D we all know we have it and what were going through :slight_smile:

I think that’s great! It helps to have ppl that understand the things we go through (I was told as a teen I didn’t think like the other teens I was around) And all the teens your around “get it”!