Hi everyone,
Somebody can explain to me temp basal %
example, my basal 4pm to 6pm 0.20 and I want to increase by one hour 20% more, as do the equation to see how much is that 20% more of the 20..
Hi everyone,
Somebody can explain to me temp basal %
example, my basal 4pm to 6pm 0.20 and I want to increase by one hour 20% more, as do the equation to see how much is that 20% more of the 20..
I believe the basal for that hour would be 0.24 units. 20% of .20 units is .04, so adding on that amount makes it 0.24 units.
To figure out 20% of a number, I multiply the number by .20. I understand that's a little confusing since your basal rate is also .20, but that's how you do it.
For example, if I want to find out what 20% of 50 is, I multiply 50 x .2 and that equals 10.
Sometimes it's easier to figure out what 10% is because you just have to move the decimal point one place to the left. So if I start with 50.00, I move the decimal point to the left and get 5.00. 5 is 10% of 50.
In your example of 0.20 basal rate, I move the decimal point one place to the left to see what 10% is. There I end up with 0.02. Then to get 20% I multiply it by 2 and I get 0.04.
Diabetes is all about math, unfortunately!
Another thing is that the pump sometimes rounds up or down, so it might not be able to deliver exactly .24 units, but it will be close. After the hour is up you can go into your PDM and looks at your records and see what your insulin delivery was. It should tell you there what you got in units instead of the percentage.
1.20 X .20 = .24. (the 1 times is adding the .20 back in the calculation) or some calculators have a % key.
My PDM has the option of changing the temp basal setting to a %percentage. It is...settings..system setup..bolus/basal/calcs...temp basal...select...%.
Smallest unit on omnipod is .05 and it always rounds down. So 20% on a .20 basal would calculate to .24 but would round down to .20 and you would actually get no extra insulin that hour. You would have to do at least 30% on that basal which would calculate to .26 and you would actually get a .25. The omnipod temp basal option is pretty useless on a small basal unless you do 50% or higher. I end up doing my own augmented basal or now, thanks to Lorraine’s advice, run an extended bolus on top of the basal to make sure he gets the extra he needs.
You can do this 0.04 unit if you set temp basal + 30% but if you want to change that forever, you will have to go up by 0.05% as this is the smallest possible increasement.
There's an option in the settings to set the temp basil rate based on units/hour instead of by percentage if you prefer to see it that way.