Temporary Switch to the Dexcom CGM

Hello everyone,

I decided to write here to keep a ongoing log with a switch that I made this week to the Dexcom G5 CGM over my Medtronic 723 with CGM . As many of you know Medtronic is phasing out the older 3 Day Sensors for their CGM in favor of their new Enlite sensors. The Current problem I face.
The backstory / Info
My current pump the 723 is 3 years 9 months old ( not 4 years yet) this holds me up for the next 3 months before I can get a new pump. I am not eligible for their free upgrade program because I did not order sensors Last year. I had a stockpile of them that I used ( The supply of which I have 2 left ) … When contacting Medtronic they won’t give me the free upgrade because I did not have a order last year of sensors. They said You can use the pathway program and pay to upgrade your pump. ( I do not see a reason I should have to pay to upgrade when the warranty on the new pump would only last as long as my current one because they transfer the warranty.) … Attempting to order more of the old sensors Did not go so well with the insurance as they no longer pay for them. They only cover the new ones because medtronic has discontinued them. (Even though you can still buy them). Spoke with my endo … Since I have met my deductible for the year I have no more out of pocket expenses for the rest of the year… It was suggested that I just get a separate CGM to hold me over. I got all the approvals in less than 24 hours and got my new Dexcom G5 on Friday.

I am using both cgm’s until i have no more sensors for the Medtronic one.
I would like other peoples thoughts on the G5 vs the Medtronic cgm system.
I found out that the G5 transmitters are not rechargeable. Why is this? … and only 3 months per Transmitter … I can only say wow to those who have to pay deductibles as that seems to be expensive. My Medtronc Transmitter has lasted 2 years so far …
I am not liking already that if your not within range of the Receiver or your IPhone (Iphone only mind you) … That readings are just skipped … This doesn’t bode well for graphing results imho… and I do not like it. What do you all think?

The other thing I am not liking is the Profile. This sensor sticks out by a full 1/2 inch… Whats with this. Why couldn’t it be profiled more like the Medtronic transmitter?

A couple pro’s so far that I do like. I do like how they include the insertion device with the sensors. 1 less thing I have to worry about.

The other Is (though I am not totally understanding of why you need 2 samples to start a sensor) I do find it to be a bit more accurate than my current CGM/Sensors… Does anyone know how this compairs to the Enlite sensors that are now available so that I have an idea before switching to the new pump once I can get my upgrade for free in June.

I will touch base periodically with updates as to my use with this. As of this moment I am not sold. Though its better than having no CGM at all … I think every diabetic should be automatically able to qualify and get a CGM without any battles for insurance coverage or medical necessity.
