Thank you for sharing.
As a 30 year type 2 who has spent 40 years as a electronics digital computer electronics design and debug; the attitude about testing and strips is revealing of a horrible incomplete understanding how complex systems work and the need for detailed testing and equipment to do so.
A single signal source being tested once a day or less captures a tiny and many times useless picture of what happened all day and night. Trying to debug the human body that way is like using a wind sock to determine the weather, and only a point in time of instantaneous wind direction.
Nobody seems to have a clue how fast and dynamic the human system can be and the dangers for low's/death when testing so indiscrimanently and infrequently.
If there were newer better systems that were cost effective giving a more accurate picture, possibly those arguments might have some value.
Today to place arbitrary unfounded, unscientific conclusions ( and statistics are not science but math constructs usefull for looking for generalizations and optimum targets).
Unfortunately humans due to their gene makeup and variations are not constructed the same and these statistical generalisations while helping many can condem the balance to death or a life of suffering.
I am fed up with all the sophistry and refusal to approach this matter properly, ethically and ratioanally. On a matter of outright numbers, the explosion in diabetes worldwide and the inability to resolve this mess quickly and safely argues against all thses insane and stupid policies against strip usage and testing as that today is the ONLY way to monitor, control, and imrpove the situation.
The only argument I can see is that if you test and do not use those results to modify and improve diet/calorie consumption, do not use to add extra exercise to reduce numbers , dose on the insulin, get repeated data and info for your Doctor cost effectively, walk through lows and prevent damage/death).
In addition, the breath taking idea there are no fast dynamic liver events and other issues due to drugs and one can simply sit and wait and hopefully you are OK just makes me shudder and appalled and test infrequently.
Computers and our extensive data systems give sufficient data to identify who is using more strips than can be justified without putting the whole diabetic population through hades following a restrictive paperwork chase as required and used on narcotic drugs that must be controlled. Off the street, strips are completely unregulated. What well menaing individual thinks we should control diabetic test strips using a narcotics controlled drugs boosting cost, extra DOctor's time wasted, inconvenience for all and then peddled as saving costs for all diabetics while trashing their lives with yet more hasstles.