The Auto Mode experience: 670G two weeks in

I share your questioning here. So the pump helpline and various 670 Facebook user groups seem to be counseling holding back on exercising with the thinking that the system needs to learn your baseline non-exercising state first. Seems like the algorithm should be able to learn this in 3-4 days but your writing suggests this has been going on for a few weeks. If you had just kept up your exercise routine, wouldn’t the system have learned that your baseline includes exercise?

With Loop and exercise, the tactic I use is to raise my target blood glucose range from 80-90 mg/dL to 90-100 mg/dL. It seems to help if I do this about 30 minutes before I start to exercise. My exercise is likely not as taxing as yours. I spend 30-40 minutes on an exer-cycle. My preferred activity of walking has been set aside due to fasciitis and/or tendonitis issues. I’m working to rehab my feet and hope to return to my former walking soon.

I appreciate your reporting on this and you are likely gaining insights as writing forces you to a certain level of coherence. I sympathize with your not being able to see and understand fully the system you’re using. I’ve been using Loop for over nine months now and I feel I’ve not learned all the levers available to me, partially due to me finding and using some good workarounds. My workarounds however mean more manual attention and action, one of the things users and designers likely want to avoid.

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