The Sleep and Hypoglycemia

On my last visit to my endocrinologist, I mentioned her that I noticed that my sleep was less restful when I was in hyperglycemia in the morning. She seemed surprised at my observation. As if I was the first diabetic to informed her of this problem.

In my case, if I wake up with blood glucose greater than 200, I
do not feel that the night was relaxing, even though I slept about eight hours.
At this moment, I feel like I only slept 4-5 hours, I feel pressure in my eyes as I feel in short nights.

Am I alone in feeling this way?

Could it be , that you had a low( lows , if it happens regularly ) and rebounded ? Any idea what your BG is at about 2-3 am ?? Would you require more basal to help with the dawn effect ? Do you take bed time snack and bolus incorrectly ? You and Endo may have the correct answers to these questions and I may be totally of base .

Well I wouldn’t sleep well with a BG over 200 cuz i would be going pee all night. lol

My concern is not about the basal or hypo during the night. This situation doesn’t happen very often. Since I’m on the pump, it happens rarely also. But I remember when I was on MDI, I woke up in the morning frequently around 250 and I remember that I always woke up like I had a very bad night. But when I talked to my endo about that situation, she seems surprised that the hyper during the night had caused this effect of tiredness. I just wondering if anyone else feel like me.

Mario, apologies for my response …for my thinking , not enough information in your statement …you made it clearer , thanks

No need to apology :wink: We are here to help each other and I appreciate your comment, even if it wasn’t my issue for that question :slight_smile:

I know this is an old posting but I also notice this happening.
Lack of energy and tiredness when waking with high glucose. I never thought to mention it to my Endo, but I am glad you did and that you shared your experience.

I also notice the crash in energy after treating a low glucose after it comes back up into normal range. It is especially noticed if there is more than one hypo in a day.