I am 33 and found out last March that I am Type1. My Doc wanted me to get started on a pump but i didn’t think that was for me. So here we are almost a year later and now I am thinking about pumping. I am getting tired of shots(6-8 times a day)I feel like a pump would suit my life style better. I was just wondering if anybody had any insight on the matter of pumps as to which one works the best most reliable easy to use ect. I do have a meeting this week with a rep from Animas. I feel that I will meet with as many reps as I can to get a feel for all the different pumps. Just wondering if anyone had any useful suggestions?
Hi jerton!
Buy the book “Pumping Insulin” by John Walsh. This is a very comprehensive review of everything that you need to know about the pump. The info is useful no matter what pump that you decide on.
I think that all the pumps on the market are reliable – just a matter of personal preference. I think you are exactly on the right track – the best thing is to meet all the pumps and get to see and try out the pumps. You will find that most people think that their pump is the best! You will too
Sounds like you’re on the right track - look at what the different pumps have to offer, and look at your lifestyle, and what you enjoy doing. (also get that book that Kristin recommends - it’s an excellent reference!). I would also recommend joining each of the pumpers forums here at tudiabetes to find what current users have to say about it, and ask any questions that you might have of the long and short term users.
Each of the pumps have pros and - I hate to say cons - because imho pumping is eons ahead of MDI. For example, if swimming is important, do you want one that is waterproof (5 minutes of cold water is enough for me, so wasn’t a selling point lol). Is the ability to manage the pump with a remote meter something that you’d like, keeping in mind that it has a limited connection range (not good for those who are have slight attention deficit, and walk away from it while a bolus is happening, and then have to re-program. Or is the tubeless option speak to you most loudly.
So if you read the book, check out the forums, meet with the reps, and ask lots of questions, you’ll go in knowing exactly what to expect - a first step to being very happy with what you get.
Also, take a look at “Smart Pumping” by Howard Wolpert.
And I don’t say this just because he’s my doctor.