I have been using shots for awile w/out the best control all the time. right now I am between insurance and waiting for my new plan to kick in. Alot of people I haved talked to say they have better control on the pump and need to use less insulin. I am thinking of trying to get on it over the next few months. I am 1.5 and 35 years old, I figure this is forever, and I probly will get on it eventually, so if it is easier ,why not now, has anyone switched from shots and had better control of blood sugar? Lynn
I shot up for 36 years and have been pumping for 6. When I first went on the pump, I badgered every non pumper to convert.
I think you can have good control on both shots and the pump, but pumping just makes my life a bit more normal.
I think every insulin dependent diabetic should try the pump, as I do believe it is the best method of insulin delivery as I have 9 different basal settings, something you can not do with shots.
As with any method you chose remember it is not a cure and diabetes is still a 24/7 disease, but I truly believe you should try it especially if your insurance will cover it.
I agree with Karen on all counts. I have been pumping for 8 years. I use less insulin and have tighter control as a pumper.
I completely urge you to at least try the pump. After being on injections for 16 years I was totally against trying a pump, but now I couldn’t imagine not pumping! I was so mad at myself for not trying it sooner. it’s weird how you don’t realize how much shots are a drag until you don’t have to take them anymore
I was still a 1.5 when my doctor got me into doing shots of Lantus and Novalog. Needless to say that lasted about 6 months or less. I researched pumps and called Medtronic and the rest is history. I have never looked back and thought “I wish I was still using shots as my primary treatment method.” This is my opinion of course, I know there are many people who like the shot method and it really works for them and that is OK as well.
Every once in a while I will have a bad infusion set or something isn’t working right and my BG will spike crazy out of control. I will then give myself a shot and it reminds me how inaccurate a syringe really is when dealing with small amounts of insulin.
I think if you start pumping you will enjoy it, just remember like any thing in life there is a learning curve and the same goes for pumping. Once you get your new insurance I would contact a pump manufacturer and ask them to give you the details about what your insurance will cover. Most of these companies will do all the work so that you can get a pump.
I am also 1.5, I started out on oral med’s, then MDI’s and now I am on the Omnipod. I agree with Karen you can have good control on both but pumping (podding) makes my life a lot simple. I wish you plenty of luck, look around and find what’s best for you.
Hi Lynn–I have been on the pump (now an Animas) for ten years. I was on injections for three years prior to pumping. For me, the pump dramatically improved my life. It allows for better control and more flexibility–I wouldn’t go back to injections for anything. You can set up your basal rate to deal with your monthly cycle and the dawn phenomenon, if those are an issue for you. Some advice: if you get a pump, use the book “Pumping Insulin” by John Walsh and really work to get your basal rate just right as that is essential. Good luck!
I agree with everyone else! haha =].
its also nice that, If your high. you press a button and 15-20 mins later your back in normal range without having to pull out another needle =]. But its up to you! =] Goodluck!
Hi Lynn. I’m a little late joining this thread, and eveyone that replied said it all. I’ve certainly benefited from far less hypo & hyper events. I used to get the worst swings while on shots. Another great thing is the convenience of dialing in a bolus and getting on with my busy life. No more needles to carry around everyday. Excusing myself to get what I need. I’ll start continuous glucose monitoring next week, and am looking forward to what that brings. I guess, aside from having a device attached to you all day, the pros kick the cons butts! Hope this helps, …
I was a shooter for 52 years before I got my pump last week. I have a MiniMed 522. Although my endo is 72 miles away, he is able to keep close watch on my progress via CareLink. He has adjusted my settings over the phone two times already and my BGs are leveling out tremendously! One reason for this is the ability to vary my basal rates for different times of the day where with my lantus this was not possible. The second reason is my boluses can be varied by as little as 1/10 of a unit, which I could never do with shots.
I hope your insurance will cover a pump.
I was on shots had bad control! Now i am on pump cozmore and have great control also endo can get much more info from a pump than a meter which can help to fine adjust insulin and pump can give smaller amount of insulin than a shot.also the pump is on allnight which shots cant do.
Its what works for you. I was just on the pump for 13 years and switched to shots. Best thing i ever did. My control and site rotaion is way better. My bloodsugars havent been this good in YEARS. Its such an individual thing. Maybe the pump will be great for you. Sometimes I think its good to change it up.