Thinking about the pump

Just a reminder about our policy on the sale or giveaway of prescription items,

“... we cannot allow the exchange, sale or giveaway of items that require a prescription from a licensed practitioner (such as a doctor, dentist, ophthalmologist or optometrist) in our communities. Examples of prescription items include but are not limited to: insulin pumps, insulin pump supplies and insulin. Any prescription items listed for sale, exchange or giveaway by any member will be deleted.”

We encourage you to donate supplies to non-profits such as the Charles Ray III Diabetes Association (, which accepts unexpired glucometer and insulin pump supplies, or Insulin For Life USA ( which accepts donated supplies for Medtronic insulin pumps and unexpired vials of insulin. These groups have existing protocols for handling these items and how they need to be sent to people who need them. You can read the entire Terms of Use here: