This is totally off the subject of diabetes

but, has anyone ever gave their dogs them “on the go” packet thingys from crystal light (or an off brand)? I just gave my dogs fruit punch and they LOVED it! LoL

Dogs like most anything. They even will eat their own sh*t sometimes.


Dogs have a sweet tooth, which gets them into serious trouble when they lap up things like antifreeze. Doubt anyone knows how aspartame effects them. Some dogs, like some people, are also sensitive to artificial dyes & coloring.

I give my dogs fruit & they love it. Other than grapes/raisins, which can cause serious kidney damage in dogs who are sensitive, you can give them any fruit.

Wow… I never knew that. I’m glad I know now.

Mine eat vegetables, too. Really, who would think that grapes/raisins could kill a dog!

Made low salt chicken and rice soup for my favorite furry friend.

I used to have some bestest buddies that ate raw vegetables!! It was good going down but horrible coming out in the form of a noxious gas cloud!!

Lois La Rose
Milwaukee, WI

P.S. Most dogs will eat most everything … except what you want them to eat!! I called my pure bred cocker a garbage gut. I called Cinnamon (in my picture with me) Hoover Nose becuase she was always “sweeping” the floor searching for eats. :slight_smile:

Ours is a gourmet. He is accustomed to eat filet mignon of pork usually but sirloin steak is also acceptable. Since he swallows the meat tenderness in not an issue. Crunchiness is a good feature as he likes chicken wings bones and all. He understands fork and will not bite the metal but daintily removes the piece of meat.

Veggies he promptly spits out. I was trying to fool him : steak, steak, steak, … green bean; promptly spit out on the floor. He does not trust me and usually smells carefully every morsel.

Feeding him the chicken and rice soup is going to be hard but necessary since he has the start of kidney disease and must drink more water and phosphates seem to be bad for kidney disease so no more bones except in small amounts. He will eat some regular dog food under emergency conditions but does not like it. And if the Chinese commies feed melamine to their children you can imagine what goes into the dog food. Melamine is super toxic for Dog kidneys much more so than for humans.

Some artificial sweetners are dangerous for pets and can cause liver damage in dogs. Primarily xylitol that they use in sugar free candies and gums. My vet suggested I not give my dog anything with artificial sweetner in it to be safe. So instead she begs for and gets some of the popcorn rice cakes I snack on. She seems fine with that arrangement :slight_smile:

LOL, I haven’t tried that with my dogs, but knowing them…I am sure they would eat! I agree though, probably not the best thing around for them.

Now I have given my horse a Dex4 tab before(just one). She was tacked up, and I was about to ride. I felt a low coming on so I grabbed my tabs. She gave me the ‘look’ like, ‘hey, are you gonna share one?’ Anyway, I thought it wouldn’t be too different then sugar cubes, so I let her try one. What you know, she liked it!

Also, onions are toxic to dogs. I’m sure you already know not to give chocolate, or ibuprofen or tylenol. Same for cats.