I just found out that a former co-worker of mine who was a fellow Type 1 since childhood collapsed from a heart attack yesterday afternoon and might not make it. I wasn't close to this individual, but each time I hear about someone I know in person who has had Type 1 since they were young having a serious health problem I can't help feel first of all bad for them, and second of all a pang of fear wondering if that will be me in 20 years.
I have sort of two groups of in-person people with Type 1 that I know. I know a half dozen people my age who have had Type 1 since they were kids. As far as I know, none of them have complications. Then there is a half dozen people I know/knew who are about 20 years older than me (in other words, mid-50s) who I have met through work or volunteering.
Of the six older people I can remember off the top of my head, four have had heart attacks (three fatal, this latest unknown), one is in the midst of serious diabetes complications (blindness and in and out of hospital with serious foot infections), and one has "only" major neuropathy (can't feel their feet at all).
I think this is one of the things I dislike most about diabetes. The day to day survival stuff, sure, but also the fear of what might happen in the future. Sure, none of the peers my age I know in person have diabetes complications, but every time I hear of an older person with Type 1 dealing with something I wonder if that will be us in another 20 years.
I am at the point now (22 years into diabetes) that I am grateful for every year that passes without something popping up. But I'm also just sort of "waiting" for the day when something does. It's not something anyone in my peer group (early to mid 30s) gets at all. I don't know any other person my age worried about something like signs of heart disease.
I'm not the same as kids who were diagnosed 40 years ago before glucose meters. But neither am I the same as kids who were diagnosed five years ago and benefit from all the latest technology. I wonder what will happen to my "cohort" in another 20 years when we are all in our 50s and have had diabetes for 40+ years.
Just felt the need to post somewhere. Not sure the point of it, really. I don't think of complications all that much, and try not to get all doom and gloom about diabetes, but every time I hear news like this, I can't help but think about it for a day or so. It does scare me a bit sometimes that by the time I hit 50 years with diabetes I will not even be 60 years old, probably not even ready to retire yet.