Thoughts on my Labwork

Today, I got copies of my labwork… My A1C, as I had mentioned before, is 5.5%, and my eAG is 111 mg/dL. The eAG came accompanied by an H, for High… And the lab range for NORMAL blood glucose levels is 70 - 100 mg/dL… and it is the same range for eAG.

This to me is further proof that Doctors telling anyone who comes back with an A1C between 5.2% and 6.4%, that they don't have issues with hyperglycemia that they need to watch out for, pure BULLSHIT. I do not trust the ADA as far as I can throw them! Useless organization. If your eAG is anywhere between 101-125, you need to take heed! You very likely may have Diabetes, or some other issue raising your blood sugars out of range.

And on another note, I do NOT believe in Pre-Diabetes anymore... As persons with Pre-Diabetes have to follow the same lifestyle of a Diabetic, FOREVER, to prevent further issues... Might as well accept the Diabetes diagnosis. There are NO Pre-Diabetic people... Only Doctors unwilling to give out diagnoses.

Your thoughts on this? Be kind to me, if you disagree. lol And it's okay if you disagree. ;)

estimated average glucose… basically, it’s what A1C is in regular glucose numbers (mg/dL)


I was not sure what you meant by eAG, so did a quick search and came across an article. Egads - the eAG. Which should have been Egads!!! the eAG!!! in my opinion as this is pretty complicated stuff.

How did your bloodwork determine an eAG of 111? Were you using a CGM for the doctors to determine an eAG of 111? Or was this just a mathematical calculation using your BG meters info, which would include I would imagine alot of post meal readings. Is 111 accompanied by an H, for High, translated to High for a diabetic person or translated to High for a non diabetic person???

I attached a link to the article that I looked at. Unfortunately is seems the eAG calculator brings you to an ADA error page.

My son is T1 and while he has an A1C below 7, his BG’s can be all over the map. At one point his endocrinologist expressed some concern that his ups and downs were too extreme until he used a CGM for a few days and she found that his big swings are mostly post meal results that correct themself. He is a growing teen, over 6 feet tall and like any teen, he likes to eat. So the option is eat and keep a close eye on post meal BG’s to make sure that we catch any rising BG’s 2 hours post meal, or don’t eat. Low carb, etc., is not an ideal option for a growing teen, so we just keep doing fingerpricks and adjust as needed daily and overnight.


PS We found that the only way to get his A1C under 7 was to “always” include an overnight reading. David’s BG tends to rise overnight, but once or twice a week when I do a 2 a.m. check his BG is exactly where we want it to be, so can’t be that the basal needs adjustment.


This article might even be more helpful.


The eAG is done at the lab… it is a simple caclulation of (28.7 x A1c - 46.7). The “high” of course, was not “high” for a Diabetic… The high was simply labeled as being outside of their range for what NORMAL is… for a regular person. But a LOT of sites, including the ADA tell people they are NORMAL even all the way up to 6%, which is 126… which is wrong. (That was the point I was trying to make… That people should be warned better, or told better…)


I couldn’t imagine that they were indicating your eAG as high for someone who has already been diagnosed as diabetic. I was definitely confused, but understand now what you are saying as far a 6% A1C should not be considered normal for someone who is not diagnosed as D.


Yeah, I think it’s just automatic… for the labwork to flag it as High, because it falls outside of their normal ranges, and they don’t know I’m Diabetic… I don’t think they have a ‘button’ for that, to push, in their computer. lol

Slightly better control? Aside from that… NONE. lol

Agree with you on all counts. I have no respect for the ADA. I think their guidelines are unconscionable. Follow the money of their funding to see where their loyalties lie.

A friend’s T2 husband is told he’s doing great with a 6.8 A1c. He doesn’t even know what this means, only that his doctor says he’s fine & he needs to take his pills. Surprised me because this man’s an engineer, so thought he’d have a more problem-solving attitude. My friend says her husband only has T2. Only?

He was diagnosed as pre-diabetic for years as his BG sky rocketed. Doctor did nothing, but tell him to lose a few pounds. I go ballistic hearing this same story over & over.

It’s crazy… It’s blatantly written right there on the labwork! If your average BG is higher than 100, you are NOT normal! You know, looking back it makes me super mad… that I went all the way to 150 1 hour after a meal when I felt like ■■■■, and I used my husband’s meter to test… and I told the doctor this, and she said it was nothing to worry about, that that was normal! What?! I’m not a huge conspiracy theorist… but… It does make you think… Why the heck are doctors not telling people they have Diabetes, and instead keeping them in this “Pre-Diabetes” nonsense?! Insurance not wanting to pay their potentially higher medical bills? Keeping in a state where they need to have more pills/insulin and other dangerous therapies, and pay more money to big pharma? I dunno how we just can’t wake up from that dream… An A1C higher than 5.1% us NOT acceptable as NORMAL. It’s not! Argggh! The 6% is simply the value at which doctors agreed that it was okay to FINALLY tell people they have Diabetes, which is ■■■■■■■■! Sigh But that’s okay… unfortunately, one day there’s gonna be so many of us, we’re gonna take back the night on all this craziness… and then no more irresponsible ADA telling Diabetics they are doing just fine at below 8%! Idiots.

It’s insanity!

I’ve come to believe that doctors see so many of us that they’ve become blase. Are they seeing so many high BG readings & high A1cs that this has become the norm to them? You’d think they’d be up in arms, but this isn’t the case.

They’re going by idiotic ADA standards. The stamp of approval from the leading diabetes org. Don’t tell the ADA your lab marked this as not normal. They’ll get this changed:)

Well said JohnG!!

I’m not upset by my A1C, John, though I appreciate you saying that… I have worked very hard for my A1C… lol I just get upset when people with high A1C’s get told they’re fine, and not the truth – that they have Diabetes… That’s really what I was talking about. lol

And while I agree… that our individual genetic make up is going to determine how well we respond to this disease… Chancing things, by living with high blood sugars, imho, is nothing short of a death wish.

Yeah, you got that right… :slight_smile: A hard lesson to learn!