Hello everyone!
I was super excited to find this group! I'm a Type 1, diagnosed just a couple years ago at age 22. I have been trying to eat low-carb for about a year, on and off, both to keep my weight down and to help control my blood sugars. I was doing Atkins which helped, then semi-Paleo (very short stint- and never cut out dairy) and now have just ordered Dr. Bernstein's book and have read most everything on his website.
I have been all over the map health-wise in the 2 1/2 years since I've been diagnosed. First A1C (at diagnosis) 11.6, then 7.5, then 7.0, then got pregnant and more serious about control and tested at 5.9, then 6.2. After delivering my daughter, I let myself go again and hit the 11's again, then 8.6, then 7.5, then (latest reading) 6.8. Hoping to keep bringing the numbers down and to get pregnant again soon!
I have been particularly inspired by Dr. Bernstein's story because he's a Type 1 like me, yet he keeps non-diabetic A1C's, something I was told was either impossible or too dangerous for diabetics. It's funny to me when I look at the A1C to average blood glucose chart because they say to keep BG betweeen 80 and 120 yet consider an acceptable A1C to be 7.0 (which means an average BG 154).
I'm really pumped to get my own BG's to a non-diabetic level, especially for a healthy pregnancy, but I am afraid I will end up slacking off after a few weeks. Any tips on how to keep going- the rest of my life?
It's just so hard with a little one to stop and take care of myself too. I feel like either I can have great BGs but they consume my life, or I can have a life outside of diabetes but horrible BG's. And advice would be appreciated- thanks!