Tired of it all already

Dx 6 months ago. Put on Metformin 1000er. Have lost almost 20% of body weight only 10 pound to go reach that goal but am so tired of not having bread and a sweet now and again.
It a grind to have plan every thing you eat. No more just grab and go. I am trying to come off metformin and really my bld sugar are well in range. Even into even the Acce recommended ranges for FBS and 2hrs. 90% or better Average over last 30 days is 115.
But this requires much due diligence and being a little hungry all the time.
I am. RN so have seen the long term results of uncontrolled diabetes no matter what type so am scared to death of amputation dialysis. Would rather be dead. Suspect I am hitting a bit of diabetic depression. I am 7 yrs away from retirement and worry I will work only to have my diabetes make retirement a few short years of bad health.

Wow congrats on the effort. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I have been type 2 for
about 20 years. The key word in your statement is uncontrolled. I still have all my toes and my ophthalmologist says my eyes look great. Do what ever you have to do to control your condition but live your life. Meds are not evil use them wisely.

You are feeling like everyone else that frequents this site. We all have experienced the loss of freedom and spontaneity with eating and many other aspects of life. We all are going through life feeling a little bit hungry all the time and like we can’t have the things we’d realky like to eat.

Good for you that you have lost a lot of weight. It will make things so much easier for you. Don’t worry about your retirement being cut short by chronic illness. You are relatively new to the game of diabetes. If you can attain and maintain good numbers, you can expect to live many, many more years in good health. I’m 33 years in with the disease, soon to turn 60, and about five years from retirement. I anticipate living at least another 20 years. I hope so! I’m doing everything in my power to achieve that.

Keeping a positive attitude goes along way towards successful glucose management. I spent many years feeling negative and it didn’t get me anywhere. All it did was alienate me from the people who could help me. Once I reconciled with it, I did a lot better.

You will be fine. Try not to worry.


You’re doing a great job, and the future you fear is not a given. I have 50+ years of T1D, and my Mom is almost 90, with 35 years with T2.

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Well, you have done a really good job with the weight loss and blood sugars. Congratulations!!! Have you tried small servings of bread and other carbs? It’s hard to sustain a carb free lifestyle and actually might not be good for us long term. I can identify with your feelings. I am so angry that I have this. I too worked in health care but have done the best that I could. I had pre diabetes for many years but couldn’t tolerate metformin, so now I have crossed over. Personally, I’d stay on the metformin to prevent it from coming back as you age, but that’s up to you. It’s probably the best medicine for diabetes. Wishing you continued success.

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Metformin has shown to have a multitude of benefits besides just help with blood sugar. If it’s not causing you any problems, why get off?

I disagree with Cinderella not everyone who is diagnosed with T2 feels this way or becomes depressed.
I was dx at 63 with an A1c of 12.0. So i just dove into it and concentrated on my diet and exercise (weights loss goal was only 10 pounds) and LCHF WOE.
So retired now at 73 A1c of 5.7 no meds. More active than I have been in years. My only issues is keeping my BG up in a 10K run.

Is everything perfect? No but looking at the people I knew in high school. I am still here and much healthier.

It was just a wake up call to take care of myself.

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Try to keep your A1c under 7 and you should be able to live decades without major complications. Under 6 would be even better, but under 7 gives you a “fighting” chance.

Complications are not a given as you are aware. Be proud of what you have accomplished. Keep your goals in sight. I am looking at 26 years,no complications. From a retired nurse ,keep up the good work. Nancy50

I am not going to talk to you about numbers or what meds you need. Being in the medical profession, you know that and I’m sure you see everyday how people with diabetes are beat up for not trying hard enough.
You are at that point where many give up because it is so very hard and you don’t really see the benefit right now.
This is going to be a daily, forever struggle. And it feels like a lost cause. But when you really sit and think about how you feel, I think you will be honest with yourself and say, you feel better after losing the weight. And that you do feel,better when the blood sugars are lower and maintained verse high and fluctuating.
So I just recommend doing this is small baby steps. There is nothing wrong with having a sweet once in awhile. The key is don’t buy a big box or bag of whatever treat you want. Just go out and get one, sit and enjoy and after you are done, but your diabetes cap back on and go for a walk. You don’t have to completely change your life. Small changes can make a huge difference. You can still have your bread if you want, but the proportion needs to be small. And if the exercise is just around the block, great but keep it moving forward. And medication is not a bad thing. Many type 2’s who do everything right, may still end up on insulin. It is not a failure, diabetes can be a progressive disease, so don’t think medications are bad. If they help keep you healthy, do what you need to do.
And my final thought, you need to find yourself a support group. It might not be with others who have diabetes, but just a group of people who you can talk with, walk with, share life problems with. Hobbies, church, politics, talking with people is always very helpful. And of course you can cry on our shoulders any time.