TuDiabetes, EsTuDiabetes on NPR: Monday, May 12

Yes! It is true. TuDiabetes and EsTuDiabetes will be represented briefly during the Diabe Rehm show, Monday, May 12.

The information about the show is already available on the Diane Rehm show web site. We will be participating in a program about Social Networking, sharing a bit of our story.

This is a big moment in the history of our community!

Tune in if you get the show in your area. If not, on this page you can catch the transcripts an hour after the show is over.

Well done Manny - this is great. I will now try and see if we can get someting similar in SA. The apathy of our medical profession is scary and it is only through people who care that little extra bit that Diabetes is exposed - i tell people so often it is not a disease but a condition but please learn all you can about it. Very interesting article last weekin the NY Times on Mellitus and Insipidus - did you see it. If not I will send it to you.
Thanks for all your great work.
Sue Frye
Diabetes Action - Durban SA


You are doing a great job with promotion.

BTW, I was thrilled with your poll that showed 1 out of 5 of us maintaining A1cs in the normal range! That’s the power of Community.

As always we are very proud of you. Un beso

Felizidades Manny
you should be Happy as well as me. everyone lets do our part and tell all our friends and family to see.

Thanks to all!!

We got almost 5 minutes of time on the air. It was great!!! I was very nervous before but I think it turned out alright.

You can listen to the entire show at:

However, you will need to have Real Player or Windows Media Player installed to listen to it.

The part where I spoke was minute 24:20 to minute 28:00. :slight_smile:

Here is the full interview (except for a few seconds that couldn’t be heard well towards the end), assembled in podcast format: