Type 1.5 now just diagnosed with hashimoto. Frustrated! What med's do I start on?

I have had type 1.5 diabetes for 3 years. It took me a year to learn to live with it and now just diagnosed with hashimoto. I'm so frustrated and angry. Please tell me your experience and what med's are best to start with for the hashimoto?

A very large percentage of T1'and T1.5's have Hashimoto, including me. I have found the thyroid is really not such a big deal to manage, I take one pill. levothyroxine, daily for it.At first when I was diagnosed with it I didn't take anything, but eventually I did. Don't worry, this is not nearly as hard to deal with as the D!

Thanks so much. I had a terrible time accepting my diabetes and has taken this long to finally accept it.

I think Hashimoto's is harder to deal with than T1. Sorry! For T1, I know what insulin doses to take & how it will effect me. Thyroid levels are more complex. Endos don't treat Hashimoto's or hypothyroidism properly. They don't do the correct tests for starters. Insist that Free T3, Free T4 & Reverse T3 be done. Most only do TSH & that's useless. Also, most doctors only prescribe levothyroxine (brand name is Synthroid). It's T4. The theory is that T4 converts to T3, but many people don't convert. Lots do far better on natural dessicated thyroid.

Other factors that influence thyroid are adrenals (cortisol) & ferritin levels. Doctors just prescribe levothyroxine & that's it. Inadequate thyroid levels effect your heart, lipid profiles, energy levels, BG, cause depression, etc.

Check out www.stopthethyroidmadness.com & http://www.tiredthyroid.com/blog/. Great info to become an empowered patient armed with facts.

I have Hashimoto's, too, and I take Synthroid. I'm happy with the results at the moment. I know that I should have a more complete panel of blood tests performed but making all the changes and calculations needed for diabetes has been enough for me to focus on. I do plan to ask for the blood tests Gerri notes the next time I see the endocrinologist, though. I think that it's always better to know what's going on!

I too was just diagnosed with hashimoto's and diabeties. My PCP found both and is sending me to an endo as she said this was not something she could manage, also would not type me. I am having a really hard time dealing with this. She did start me on tradjenta and for about 2 weeks it was rockin, now I might as well be taking a water pill because my numbers are crawling back up and all i do is pee a bunch. I also started having some pain in my legs that was not there before, and blurry vision in my right eye when my sugar is high. I also have a animal protien allergy and a vegan diet was the only diet that brought me down much at all. Very hard to get enough protien. Also experiencing highs while I exercise that stay for a few hours after then bottom out. I am a runner and if I run more than 30 mins. I spike less I drop. Crazy!

FWIW - when I was diagnosed with Type I achieving control was nigh on impossible My endo ran extensive tests and low and behold I had thyroid disease (Graves) as well. Once she nuked it & I started on Synthroid managing diabetes became much easier to the extent that other than taking that pill I was essentially no different than any other Type I. Once your thyroid issues are properly managed then achieving decent diabetes control should become less troublesome. With a good endo that should be a reasonable expectation.