Type 1 and college education funding

As the title explains, searching online has been difficult in finding funding. I would love input and experiences regarding this issue. I have heard of vocational rehab and a few specific scholarships which are very few. I was very disappointed the major companys did not have any scholarship award programs.
Please share your experiences


until i win the lotto my bills and healthcare come first before school. Can’t be in debt in dodge medical bills in school, that’s just me and what i prefer: a job with insurance.


Also, if you want a company to offer a scholarship for T1’s, and they don’t, there is no harm is contacting them and asking them to do so… the worst that can happen is they’ll say no, but you may also do some good by just getting the idea out there.

I was lucky when I went to college, I qualified for a number of scholarships and grants based on my academic performance… I never even investigated the possibility that there could be extra money available simply because I was T1 :slight_smile:

Fantastic…Thanks for the idea of asking companys. I did find another one if anyone is interested. Pretty generous too.

I didnt see the hyper link so here is the site I was refering to


Seriously. I currently owe about $50,000 just in medical bills (and I’ve had insurance the entire time I racked up those bills). I’m pretty much pretending my student loans don’t exist.

As to the original topic, I never looked for scholarships for diabetics, never even really thought about it. Hmm, wonder why I didn’t…