TYPE 1 DIABETES and Yahoo Answers!

Survivor? hmmm, that tends to imply that it’s over. You survive plane crashes, fires, eating bad tuna salad. Diabetes never ends. I wonder what the right word is? Sufferer comes to mind, but that has too many negative connotations for my taste.

I think the least diabetics can do is treat their condition the best they can. Stepping into forums in general can be difficult, let alone when someone is asking important question about their health. Not everyone can be an advocate, even if it is just pointing folks to places like tudiabetes or diabetes daily. Hell, it’s hard just reading some of those accounts, let alone “get involved” in them by posting a reply


I love the way the internet has made finding information easier, but unfortunately it does the same thing for mis- and dis- information too.

Agreed. It’s ambitious and it’s nice that there are people who take the time to answer questions on forums and such. But, labeling as “the least we can do” is a little hard to stomach. I immediately wanted to say: Survival of the Fittest. Sometimes finding things out the “hard way” is the only way to truly learn.

I, too, was poorly trained upon diagnosis. I, too, was told a whole lot of misinformation. But, I learned to trust in MYSELF and to find answers on my own.

Being in this community might be all that I can handle. Atleast for the time being. I love it here. Wish I could save the world, but I really don’t think I can. I have to just do as much as I can and that’s it.

I’m surprised people would trust answers on Yahoo. I would never. Bumbling idiots on there.

Maybe we can start a program where we can be mentors? If I was getting paid to do this type of thing, I would quit my job and do it full time. I love helping people. So time consuming, but so rewarding! But, no I’m not prepared to be a counselor. Maybe sometime in the distant future.

Hey Marps, check out Jimmy Diabetes. I’m thinking about joining

I would just post in every discussion telling them to join TuDiabetes :slight_smile: I spend ALL my time here and I don’t really want to “go” anywhere else. Here it easy to refer them to old discussions and there are tons of caring members to teach!

So keep posting the TuDiabetes link if you follow those discussions :slight_smile:

If it is a “serious” inquiry, I always post the tudiabetes website… thanks!

I joined the answers and posted TuD site a few times too :slight_smile: Hope that people join!!

Just remember SURVIVOR also implies that you are alive to see the next day…

Look, I want to direct people to a proper resource. Who better can do this than us on this site that are surviving and living with this everyday. What they do with the information is their business. Just like a lot of people don’t follow their diabetic regiment strictly…but at least they know what to do.

Again I am not asking any body to be the next Diabetic Ann Landers or a Diabetic advocate…

if you feel this is not your responsibility than don’t do it. move on and find other challenges…

If you read some of the info that is given out as factual information you will be amazed.

If you were to start a mentor program I would be happy to participate.

If sharing information on a questionaire blog is not your cup of tea than don’t do it. I am simply asking people that have the urge or who want to share information about diabetes to do so. Some of the misinformation is absolutely ridiculous especially on Type 1.

I understand the old phrase of bringing a horse to water. What these people do with information is their business. It takes little effort to be nice and share information especially when you have a poor diagnosis like you and I.


Ok, I guess what struck me was your use of bold letters in

“I think this is the least survivors of Diabetes can do with others that are being diagnosed and have been not given the proper information or tools about how to live and manage.”

It is impossible to always determine what is intended in a post, so authors tend to use things like bold, italics etc to try and get there message across in the way then intended. When I read that, and even after your explanations, it still comes across as you do expect the experienced T1s to be advocates.

And if they don’t they should be ashamed of themselves.

That is exactly how that reads to me

me too

As stated in an earlier post do what you feel is appropiate for you. If this is not your cup of tea than don’t do it. simple???!!!

I don’t feel comfortable giving advice more than go see an Endo to a Type 1 since my condition is Type 2. However I am learning about Type 1.

Thanks for your comment.

Awesome…If it is a “serious” posting. I always mention tudiabetes because it has helped me alot. sometimes this is the reference I give as a resource. No body better than the diabetic community to answer these questions. I know lately I have rebel rousing but my intentions are all ways in the right place.

I am sure you have seen some of the goofy postings on Yahoo.Answers. I avoid those.


Personally, I would appreciate it if you used a little less intense wording when telling people what you think they should be doing. simple???!!!

ADA is a Fountain of Misinformation!! So true!!

The link for MedHelp’s Type II forum is http://www.medhelp.org/forums/Diabetes—Adult-Type-II/show/46
There is a separate Type 1 forum which believe it or not is still called Juvenile Diabetes!