Can we have a type 1.5 forum please?

I see something lacking at tudiabetes - am i wrong? - please tell me so. Ive been quite displeased with the lack of a 1.5 forum, and my anger is growing by the day. The fact is, 10 percent of type 2 diagnosed patients are infact type 1.5. There are infact more type 1.5 adult onset diabetics than type 1 juvenile diabetics. So - Iam asking kindly here - Can we have a type 1.5 forum please?. Iam pretty sure one of the original starters of Tudiabetes was diagnosed 1.5. So please can we have our own support forum?. We are actually a mixture of type 1 and type 2, But all i see is a Type 1 forum and a Type 2 forum.we are inbetween in most cases, do we have a view? can we actually share our feelings ? Iam basically asking for more from Tu. It has helped me a great deal, but it has to progress… I hope to hear from the Tu soon. Thankyou

well, good news then Paul… there is one! Type 1.5 is also known as LADA Diabetes and the week of October 18-24 is LADA Awareness Week

We do have one that I created :-). If you go to groups you’ll see it

Yes, we do have a forum. When you post a discussion, scroll down in the “forum categories” and it will say LADA in there (which is Type 1.5)… Also, when you click on forums, you can switch from discussions to categories, and the LADA category will be in there.

You know I had never thought about LADA’s needing their own forum but you are so right. Our founder Manny is a Type 1.5

It’s in there! I promise it already has it’s own forum. lol

OK I don’t know why I missed it but guilty as charged! LOL!

I learned something new today! I am not T1.5, but I have been meaning to ask how to find some of these other forums. Sometimes if I would read a post that was marked general forum and didn’t really have time to respond. When I came back later, nothing from the general forum was on the front page and I didn’t know how to find it until something else from the general forum would pop up. Thank you LIzmari!

Based on a lot of the blood sugar numbers, particularly postprandial, I had assumed a lot of the adults posting in the Type 1 forum were LADA. But I did not know LADA was a mixture of Type 1 and Type 2, so you learn something every day. I had thought LADA was adult onset Type 1, longer honeymoon and much slower beta cell destruction.

I don’t know. Perhaps they just wanted to feature the most popular forums, or something. There are a TON of forums, including ones for Gestational Diabetes, etc. It is THERE, though. :slight_smile: You just have to know how to find it.

Listen, just calm down… and I am sure that if they can make any changes, they will be more than happy to accommodate you. Looking at how the menus are set up, it seems to me that there probably is a limit set by Ning, the platform on which TuDiabetes is run, as to how many topics can be under any given menu item above… So… I think they had to prioritize all of what they put up there, and it had NOTHING to do with not wanting to acknowledge anyone’s condition or type. So, just settle down… try to believe people have the best intentions, because after all, we ALL have Diabetes in here (and not just you)… and for now, try to be learn how to search for it, okay? :slight_smile: It’s not the end of the world.

No worries. :slight_smile:

You should be able to see a list of all forums on the home page and access any of them with one click, or at least be able to see a list with one click. The fastest way I found is 3 clicks and even then its location is a little obscure.

Thanks for bring this up Paul, I doubt it will be very hard to fix, and it will improve the usability of the site tremendously.

LADA is NOT a mixture of Type 1 and Type 2. It is exactly what you said, Jan, Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults-slower adult onset type 1. That is a common misconception that it is a combination of type 1 and type 2. Brought on, I believe, by the fact that the onset time is betwen the two. (slower than regular type 1’s, but faster than type 2’s). But it is an autoimmune condition so it is clearly a subset of type 1, not a combination.

I’m also not sure what you mean by postprandial blood sugar numbers. How are they different than other adult type 1’s?

I followed DWQ’s directions to find the LADA forum. I thought I remember it being much easier when I first came on here, that it was, perhaps listed on the short list of forums. Was it changed? I would have never chanced upon it if that was what you had to do to get there! I do agree that it needs to be more prominant, not only because there are more of us than had been believed previously (I’ve heard the figure as between 15 and 20% of type 2’s are misdiagnosed), but because many of us come on here like I did, confused by our diagnosis, and looking for answers.

It’s kind of interesing to read this because I actually found TuDiabetes as a result of doing a search for more information about LADA. I have found this site to be the most LADA aware of any I’ve seen. Of course, I’m always interested in more discussion and information on the topic.

Plus there are lots of other interesting forums

Um, actually LADA is categorized by some as type 1.5, but other forms of diabetes such as MODY are also considered type 1.5. So should type 1.5’s who are not LADA have another type 1.5 forum?

Don’t worry about the tone of your post. We all get the frustrations that this disease can stimulate from time to time. I was also initially misdiagnosed. The T2 meeds helped for a few months and then I got really really sick when they stopped working. It took me until my third endocrinologist to get the right tests
done that revealed that I had LADA. T1.5 is a bit of a deceptive term because I believe those with MODY use it too. LADA is often over simply described as a hybrid of T1 and T2 but it really isn’t. It is T1 that hits later in life. The reason that hybrid description gets used is because it often mimics type 2 because the beta cells take a bit of time to kick out completely and time must pass before the stored insulin is used up. That low production of insulin looks like insulin resistance and that’s why so many of us are misdiagnosed initially. However, LADA is type 1 – it is an autoimmune disease. Type 2 isn’t autoimmune and that is why GAD antibodies don’t show up in a T2 situation. I honestly think if the term “juvenile” diabetes was not so widely accepted, they would just say T1 but it’s a bit bizarre to tell a 40 year old they have juvenile diabetes — so we use LADA to call out the late onset.

Type I.5 Diabetes is like Type I in that you loose your insulin production. However the loss is very gradual, so you may have high blood sugars initially, but not DKA, and you may have close to normal c-peptides…

If you feel the need to have a 1.5 forum then create one.

Howver if you truly feel yourself growing angry daily because someone else has not made one, you need help elsewhere.