Type 1 Diabetes Self Management Survey

Thanks to the surveyor/author for sending out the survey results and resulting publication.

There are some odd academic narrative constructs in the resulting article, but all-in-all it’s an interesting read. CGM’s are clearly valued. Some of the respondant quotes get your attention.

D_Katz_2018.pdf (803.4 KB)

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This portion of the write-up drew a laugh from me:

“In this quote we see P4 balancing multiple
factors that can have an unpredictable effect on BG levels,
using multiple mechanisms to cope with potentially
risky behaviors. We see habitual fixed models, such as to
not inject insulin while drinking alcohol so as avoid the risk
of severe hypoglycemia, and to not drink sweetened alcohol,
as that will overly raise BG levels. However there are
also context dependent models, such as using dancing to
lower BG levels while drinking (how much? how vigorous?),
or to use Coca-Cola to raise BG levels. It is not clear
from the quote which effect marijuana has on BG levels,
but either for medical utility or quality of life, it has been
incorporated into P4’s dynamic equation. With so many
unpredictable factors on BG levels, as well as potential
risks, it would be difficult to classify this process entirely as
an ‘effortless’ habitual mode,”

We’re all just a bunch of drunk, high, dancing, cola-drinking hooligans.

Sometimes the balancing act isn’t that far off!!

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