Type 2 and obesity?

Yeah most of my weight is in my belly and some in the hips. I hope that going low carb will change that. I’m willing to try it as I’ve tried a myraid of other diets that simply don’t work for me. :slight_smile: Thanks for the info.

First off WELCOME!!! Number 2 you spell Brittany the same way I did when I had my daughter. Third? I think everyone here has just about said it all I don’t think there’s anything I can add to all the info you got here. Type 1 here.

I checked out that link. Thank you. I feel better now. I’m not so upset that the fact I’m diabetic is my weight. Although it might be but at least I don’t feel so down about it. I’ve tried losing weight before though other traditional methods such as calorie restriction and pre-prepared meals such as Jenny Craig and Weight Watches. Neither of those worked for me. I just checked my bg an hour after eating turkey and green beans and my bg went from 100 to 118 :slight_smile: I’m so happy! Yesterday when I had turkey and green beans my bg actually went below what my starting bg was haha. So I think I’m certainly on the right track. Plus I’m avoiding salt (not that I was a big salt user in the first place) I’m using Mrs. Dash seasongs for the green beans and turkey. It was very good. I can get used to them. Anyway thanks for the link :slight_smile: I do feel better now.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of that happening. Yes if that starts happening to me (as I’ve just started on metformin about 3 weeks ago) I’ll adjust my carb intake. One of my two main goals right now is losing weight and keeping my bg’s in control. I think it’s working so far. I know it’s working for my bg’s though. Time will tell how much weight I’ll lose. :slight_smile: Thanks for your input.

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile: Yes this thread is been very eye opening. Lots of good replies. Nice to see someone else who spells Brittany the same way. lol

Hi Brittany,

Type 1 here, but I have type 2 family and coworkers. The answer to your question depends on you. Some people are diabetic when they are overweight and when they lose it, they aren’t anymore. Others improve for a short while, then need oral meds. Then they need insulin. My grandpa was diagnosed at 80. His just wore out. We’re all different.

When you lose weight, you will need less insulin, which means your medication requirements should go down. You may have inexplicably low blood sugars. Work with your doctor as you lose weight, and he can help you adjust the doses.

Also, They say most people are carrying around 5 to 10 lbs of extra fluid because they eat too much sodium. Make sure you pay attention to how much sodium you are consuming. Those might be some easy pounds to lose, but they will come right back if you indulge in some potato chips or something. Some turkey brands and some canned veggies are super high in sodium. Diet sodas also have sodium.

Sufficient sleep also aids in weight loss (I don’t mean 10 or more hours/day), so make sure you are getting enough, with some REM in there.

Good luck. I wish you the best.

Thank you for the info. I really appreciate it.

Thank you Tanya. I’ll keep this things in mind.

Yes I understand this. Thank you for your post. My grandmother was Type 2 and used insulin several times a day. Seeing as I’m so young and am pre-diabetic, I have some time (hopefully a lot of time) before I advance into diabetes-land fully. But I am taking care to cut carbs out where I can and eat much lower-carb meals. Although I broke down and ate mac and cheese tonight. But that’s ok. One step at a time… I can do it.

You can use cans of food for weight lifting, don’t need to have special weights.

You can also use plastic bottles filled with water. Building muscle mass is great for lowering insulin resistance.

I have read almost every diabetic book out there since diagnosis 9 months ago and I checked them all out at the library.

Hi Brittany…welcome aboard!

Everyone else pretty much covered the diabetes/obesity/low carb thing, I just wanted to offer one suggestion.

If you can, take a week and write EVERYTHING down that you eat…the amounts (including carb content) and times eaten…and test your blood glucose before and 2 hrs after each meal.


-fasting am/before breakfast bg reading ______
-2 hrs after eating reading _____
-before lunch bg reading _____
-2 hrs after eating reading _____
-before dinner bg reading ____
-2 hrs after eating reading _____

*I also test inbetween either before or after eating a snack which means I’m testing between 8-10 times a day. I also test if I wake up at random early am times (like 2 or 3am). I’ve been doing this in order to get a clearer picture of how my body is handling the foods I eat and the meds/insulin I use. It’s been an eye-opener…big time!
By doing this, I’ve learned that eating 2 simple slices of bread used for a sandwich at lunch time can raise my bg readings for 4 hours or more afterwards.

I understand this might not be practical for some people due to the cost of test strips, but if it’s possible it could help.

Best of luck!

Pre-diabetic is an outdated term IMO. Either you have diabetes or you do not have diabetes. It gives one a false sense of security IMO.

Yes, I fully agree.

Very well stated. :slight_smile:

LOL! My dad left a will and my daughter’s both got the land that he has and he spelled Brittany with the eny! My daughter looked at me and said “I hope we don’t have to show ID” LOL

I have been eating only fish and meat, fat and veggies: egg plant, green beans, tomatoes and I am loosing weight after years of gaining weight only.