Type 2 meds

I have type 2 diabities ,meds I take are amralytwice a day and 20 units of lantus at bedtime. My a1c at the time was 7 and 130mg/dll . He said it was too high. I been on meds for about 1-2 yrs I start out with amarly and metformin . i had adverse reaction to the metformin hence the LantusThe problem lies in that my blood glucose was never above 180 one time and the rest highs were between 130 to 150. Should my doctor have given me the chance to lower my a1c by diet and excercise.Instead putting me on meds just becuase he did nn’t like the levels. Should I try gradual to taper off meds. To be honest I think I could contoll my diabities with diet and excersise. The metaformin realmost caused me to have pancretitisand screw my gut up’ I wanted to the ER twice because of it. Getting so sick. Must poeple I tell that my doc put me on insulin and i tell them highest glucose lv was 180 one time rest of the time highs were about 140 -155, they think that i should be on it. what should i do my doc is admant about lowering my a1c. I really think that i can contorl it with diet and excercise.

Try diet and exercise whilst taking the medication, it will help you get those high numbers down. Especially lower your intake of carbs (carbs = flour as in bread and cakes, rice, pasta, potatoes). Test 2 hours after meals to see where your numbers are and what foods have caused you to go high.

Good luck


So, here’s my honest thought. If you were diagnosed a few years ago, why haven’t you been successful in using diet and exercise in addition to the meds to lower your A1c? An A1c of 7 is definitely not good, regardless of if your “high” number doesn’t seem that high. You are at a much greater risk for retinopathy and CV event with an A1c there: that is likely why your doctor wants you to lower the number and is using what seems like aggressive treatment (basal insulin).

Here’s the thing: there is nothing wrong with taking meds to control diabetes. If Metformin isn’t working (sounds like it is not), then using insulin can get your A1c down to where it should be relatively quickly (6% or below), and then you can concentrate on maintaining a good, healthy A1c. Insulin is a great tool, and can be used in addition to diet and exercise!

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I was recently chatting with @Brian_BSC about this, he’s been working on a project that addresses the shame and blame that gets heaped on to type 2s. Success is not defined as getting rid of your medications. Many here cannot tolerate Metformin. [quote=“Pastelpainter, post:2, topic:60706”]
Try diet and exercise whilst taking the medication

great advice

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Myself included, even though I’m not T2 :slight_smile: I’m still taking it a reduced dosage (which may or may not be effective in reducing BG) until I consult with an endo.

For me, at least, the goal is to find the most effective treatment regime, including diet, exercise, and medication. I’m not interested in “going off meds,” although I’d be happy to minimize or reduce side-effects (both major and minor) as long as effective BG control is achieved.

Sometimes, I feel we don’t adequately weigh the risks of medications: it is easy to focus on daily side effects (in the case of Metformin) that are highly irritating while losing sight of the long-term benefits (lowered A1c for many, lowered CV risk, lowered cancer risk). We as humans aren’t good at thinking of long-term benefits and drawbacks and tend to focus on the immediate future. Some of this is the “blame game” when it comes to diabetes, and some of it is just innate cognitive wiring. One of the reasons why we need competent doctors to help us make decisions about treatment options that are likely to include immediate side-effects as well as cryptic long-term benefits.


When i was first diagnosed with type2 I went to the classes on diabites that my local hospital has. I learned allot about it and nutrions. I did really well for several months ,. I lost wiegth , a1c got down to 5.5 and mornig fasting level ran in the 90mg/dll. YOU ASK WHAT HAPPEN? Plain simple I got complacentwiegt went up, wasn’t eating right , and not exercising. As aresult my wieght hit 275 and blood gluclose level was high,a1c peeked at 7. I learned several important things 1. You have to be disciplened , vigilant, and not lackdasical about diet and excercise . I am the one responseible for me being on meds because I got lazy . Controling type 2 diabities is hardwork , Ihave got to the point this is serious bussiness. I am having to change my life style the way I eat and excercise.
this didn’t happened over night but over serveral years. Sure all the epderuals contributed to it, but the main culprit is my lazy about diet and excercise. I have took step to get going in the right direction. I am go to the dietent . One thing everyone needs that has diabities is a accoumtablility partner. some one that will ask the hard questions, one to hold my feet to the fire,

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I think you’re right in some parts :slight_smile: We do all need accountability, regardless of whether we are sick with diabetes not. But please do realize, Type 2s going “out of control” is not something that is always controllable through diet and exercise. The disease is fundamentally progressive in most people, and even those that “do everything right” when it comes to diet and exercise still often end up using insulin regularly to control their BG and live long, healthy lives.

Also, the fact that diet and exercise are important and requires discipline applies (I’m pretty sure) to all human beings, but certainly to those of us who are Type 1 as well! I’ve learned about the effects of diet on my BG, but it is not always easy to stick to what I know works when my body (sometimes) demands otherwise haha. Sometimes those Nanaimo bars look completely irresistible, damnit.

Life with type 2 can be really hard. As patients we are told that we gave ourselves diabetes because we are overweight and lazy. Then we are told that we can prevent and cure our diabetes just by diet and exercise. And it turns out these messages set us up to feel blame and shame over our diabetes. It turns out you weight isn’t a serious cause of diabetes, genetics is a much more powerful reason cause. And diabetes is progressive, for many if not most of us our diabetes will get worse no matter what we do.

So when people use words like “prevent” and tell us we could just diet and exercise and it doesn’t work we feel a personal sense of failure. And mentally that can be a terrible burden to carry.

I would urge everyone to change their whole mindset and the way they talk about diabetes. Taking medication or insulin isn’t a failure. A failure is not taking care of yourself when you can. I started insulin in 2010 and after struggling with my control and trying different medications, insulin was a wonderful game changer for me. I am totally a success with my insulin. Every since that day back in 2010 I have had great control.

Please don’t look at taking medication or insulin as a failure. It isn’t. You didn’t give yourself diabetes and it isn’t within your power to make it go away. And to feel blame and shame over doing something that is not within your power is just inappropriate. Don’t do it.
What is in your power is to do what is needed to take care of yourself. And if you do that I hope that you can feel successful.

@David49 is correct but I would also add there there is nothing wrong with trying to get off the meds with diet and exercise, just don’t do it by allowing yourself to suffer unnecessarily high bg levels.

If you feel you can control your diabetes with diet and exercise then by all means go for it. If you can achieve your goals med free that is the best way. But please understand that the goal is not to be med free but rather to maintain control in a manner that works.

Diet,exercise , and meds are what makes my life good. I am not ashamed ,better living by chemistry . I am a type2 of 24 years,no complications. Nancy


Diabetic complications can come on like Alzheimer’s. I have relatives both 1 and 2.

I now know keeping blood sugar in good control is the goal. Be it diet, meds or whatever.

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