Updates from the Faustman Laboratory at Massachusetts General Hospital

We received this newsletter from Dr. Faustman.

Dear Friends,

It has been a tremendous year for us here at the MGH Immunobiology Laboratory in Boston.

We have seen the benefits of our hard work in the successful launch of our Phase I clinical trial, the publication of our research in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and the ongoing response to our efforts to raise diabetes awareness.

Attached you will find our latest newsletter detailing these accomplishments and more. Thank you for your continuous support in our efforts. It is with your dedication to this cause that we can move towards helping more people with diabetes.

Happy Holidays,

Denise Faustman, MD., Ph.D.
8070-FaustmanW2008_updates.pdf (215 KB)

This is truly excitig news Manny. Thank you.