WatchSugar delay on Apple Watch

I have been using WatchSugar on my computer since getting the Dexcom and it has woked great - the blood sugar reading on my computer matches the one on my phone seconds after it changes. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been the case with the WatchSugar app on my Apple Watch. I’m finding that besides a several minute delay from phone to watch (which I can definitely deal with), it seems to randomly freeze and not update for several hours at a time. I’ve tried to remedy this by opening the complication on my watch to ‘wake it up’ but even then it sometimes won’t update to the latest blood sugar and may remain frozen for hours. I’ve also tried turning my watch off and back on, restarting the app on my phone and messing around with app settings. Is there a setting that needs to be changed to get more frequent updates that I’m missing? Is anyone else having this problem and found a solution?

Watch Sugar can definitely be delayed on the Apple Watch and I am trying to get in the habit of seeing the time it updated. I am currently using an unused G4 transmitter before I go back to G5 and I am totally disappointed in the reliability of the Share app on the phone and the watch. It is actually not a problem between the phone and the watch. It is because the Share app on the phone randomly disconnects from the Dex receiver in my pocket. Very likely a phone Bluetooth problem. Sometimes it works great, but I would estimate that 50% of the time it disconnects and quits working. Sometimes it is because there is an alert on the receiver and that seems to interfere with the Share app.

As I mentioned in another thread, I am glad that I mostly like the Apple Watch for more than Dexcom. Otherwise I would feel that I had wasted my money.

I’m sure this is old, old news to you more experienced Apple Watch users, but I discovered today that I could display my Dex numbers on my watch face (rather than leaving the app open on my watch and having to look at it by pulling it up for a numbers check). I chose a watch face listing Dexcom as a complication feature and customized it by hard tapping, then using the circle dial at the side of the watch to scroll until I reached the desired options. So right now my face looks like this.

Or, more subtly,

I found this website to be most helpful in learning how to change my watch face.

I’m grateful I have the G5 and don’t have to worry about the share system…that sounds frustrating! I’m glad that my numbers reliably show up with the G5 when I open up my dex app, because otherwise I would definitely feel like I wasted money.

Thanks for posting. I actually saw a post on this a while back which is what prompted me to get an Apple Watch. Without you guys I never would’ve known this was a thing!

In the first picture, is your BG being displayed by the dex app or the WatchSugar app? I haven’t found a way to get the dex to display like that as a complication (or as one of the little squares, either). I do have WatchSugar displayed as you do and that’s where I’m running into issues. I know that it can run about 15 minutes behind, but it has been consistently freezing for hours on end even when I open the complication.

I checked here too before getting the Apple Watch. Anthony’s thread proved helpful with some questions, but some of the questions I simply couldn’t resolve before trying it. And even after trying it for several weeks, today was the first day I could get the watchface to display the number (maybe because I’m sick, and it’s the first time I’ve had to troubleshoot).

It’s my BG being displayed by the dex app. In watch face options from your phone, search for ones that list Dexcom as a complication (there aren’t many…maybe 5 or so). I scrolled through til I found one that would also display things I needed alongside it (like battery life and stopwatch).

Admittedly, I will forever miss my normal watch and occasionally switch it out for a day or so.

Huh, I need to check for that! I have the dex icon displayed as a complication but it never displays an actual number for me. I guess I’ll have to do some toying around with it…good to know it’s a possibility!

Here’s a screenshot of several watch face options from my phone. I accessed the face gallery from my phone and chose one from the Dexcom heading under featured complications.

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And here’s the Dexcom app in my watchface, but unfortunately I could never make this the standard watchface. I could come close by leaving this app open, but it still required me to reopen it regularly. It wasn’t the glance check of my BS that I’d hoped until I changed faces today.

Thanks so much!! That was incredibly helpful. The problem was that I kept trying to change my watch face on the watch itself, rather than going through the app on my phone. I’m so excited to have updated numbers on my main screen!

Yes! It took me a little bit to figure that out too. In fact, if was your initial post that prompted me to dig a little deeper, so thank you!

I do like the display that the Dexcom app offers, and when it’s open, if you swipe right, you can shift to a 3 hour view of your numbers. Still, what I bought the watch for was to see my live number, and by jingo, I think I’ve finally got it!

How the heck do you add Dex to the middle section, I don’t have it on the list? I only see Dexcom on the upper left or the bottom modules.

Ok, just saw that there is a new update available. Did they kill the mute override?

Also, my complication doesn’t seem to be updating… i just have two dashed lines under Dexcom. The app is placed in the Dock and is updating ok. Any idea?

Update: Never mind, I restarted the watch and it works like a charm!

The question remains - did they kill the loud low sugar alarm?

How were the stuffed mushrooms?

:joy: haha I was thinking about how good those looked! What cookbook is that?

Are you changing the watch face from your watch or from the app on your phone? I couldn’t get it that way on my watch but can from my phone. Go to face gallery, featured complications in your app. You should get a list to scroll through and have two options for a large display. If not, try updating your app or phone.

The stuffed mushrooms are amazing! The cookbook is the absolute best!

Our baby has severe food allergies, so diagnosis with diabetes went hand in hand with a dairy, soy, nut, gluten, egg, fish, corn free life. It’s made the balance…um…interesting. This cookbook has been a total lifesaver! The squash soup in particular has been so helpful (I substitute sweet potatoes and add some canned pumpkin and a few spices). Can’t say enough about it really! Maybe I should post about it separately too.

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It works fine both ways as I am only using the modular one.