We are ALL Diabetes Educators

After my appointment today, i wanted to share something I discussed with my nurse practitioner. We talked about how we all are diabetes educators.

I am a teacher. She asked me how my school year was going and I told her about my year. Every year I start on the first day of school explaining to the students (jr. high) that I am a T2 Diabetic and things that they can expect that might look different in my room (I have a refrigerator, I drink a lot of water, sometimes I need to test or drink juice, etc.) We have a very simple emergency plan for going to get help if I get sick. I make it very clear that I am healthy and happy because I listen to my doctor who is awesome and take good care of myself. They have a very positive attitude and after asking a few questions, are very accepting. They are pretty sweet – when someone brings in a class treat I usually get a little bag of celery! This year that was really important.

I have two new-to-our-building students and one newly diagnosed student who now are T1 and all have pumps, carry supply bags, need to test before a test, etc. Its hard enough coming to a new school, but on top of that they have all the other adjustments to make because of being a diabetic and having a new schedule, etc. These students now feel like they have an advocate in the room. They are comfortable being there and share with me that the embarrassment/awkwardness they felt at their old buildings isn’t there. If a student asks them a question like what’s that thing on your arm, they know I can step in and answer if they want my help. My student just diagnosed was not so scared because he said he could talk with me and know someone understood and would help him find answers he might not have been comfortable asking. Luckily, we have an awesome Children’s Hospital with a great education program so I’m just plan B.

Every time you share your story you educate. We are ALL Diabetes educators.
We help them see us as people, each of us a little different, but we’re all ok.
It might not seem a big deal, but there might be a diabetic in the room who is glad not to be the only unicorn. Instead, they feel like “Welcome to Unicorn Island!” You aren’t alone.


I agree 100%

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Great post! I am sharing this on my Facebook page.

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