Weight-loss On Pump

Ok I’ve been a Type1 for almost 25 years now and pumping over a year with a Paradigm722. I have gained weight since starting the pump and I was wondering if anyone has been able to successfully lose weight while pumping and if so, how?

I started the pump a little more than 2 weeks ago and have lost 8 pounds, I think it is because now I super watch the carbs and dont take lantus, I gained 30 pounds when I started lantus, I hope I continue to lose

i gained some weight due Lantus and not being careful with carb intake. Since starting the Omnipod in July, I have lost 20 pounds because I am more careful with what I eat and I exercise daily because of the temp basal so I don’t have to worry about lows! Good luck with your journey =)

I’ve pumped for 8 and a half years and have seen normal weight fluctuations in that time (age 20 to 29). I’ve recently had a lot of success with Weight Watchers. Was able to cut my total daily insulin intake by about 10 units, too.

Well so far I seem to be the only one having this prob lol…just my luck. I gained weight on lantus also but lost it. My doc seems to think it may be due to my insulin levels going up but I don’t know. I’m trying to add in extra workout time and I’m only eating 130 to 145 carbs a day. I’ve always ate low-fat so I know it’s not that. Maybe I’m hitting pre-menopause knowing my luck. I wish I could do weight watchers but they frown upon type 1 diabetics participating.

I lost quite a bit of weight while pumping . I believe my highest was 306 - my lowest weight was 135 - I did gain a little recently due to an injury (broken bone) that wouldn’t allow me to exercise

but here is my diet / exercise thread.

My A1c thread :slight_smile:

I put on about 10 just after I went on the pump, and then steadily increased slowly after that – couple of pounds a year. My endo said that there was a pattern of new pumpers with putting weight on, since it was so easy to eat and bolus all the time.
A couple of years ago, I went through a period losing almost 60 pounds in about 8 months, all while on the pump. The key is to count calories for the weight loss, in addition to the carbs for bolusing, so you know how much you are taking in. I stopped being as diligent as I was during the weight loss period and have put a lot of the weight back on, and now am going back to my calorie counting, trying to limit myself to 1,800 calories per day while I am trying to lose weight.
I think calorie counting and exercise are the only sure ways to lose weight, regardless of whether I am on the pump.

Yeah, it’s WAY easier to gain weight while on the pump. it’s like… i’ve already eaten, but then they pull out the cookies. with the pump, all i have to do is tell it that i want a cookie! lol. so, because i don’t have to come up with exactly 15 g of carbs… and give an injection… it’s really tempting to just do it! but, it’s not hard for me to eat low carb. so, i eat about 120-150 carbs a day. and, if i do that… and exercise a few times a week, i can lose 1-2 lbs a week. so… right now, i’m slowly losing some weight. which is awesome, because… i can’t wait to be thinner! oh, and i hear that it’s easier to manage diabetes when you way less. and maybe i’ll need less insulin then.

It can be done as I have lost weight since going on the pump. I think it is more about portion control and better food choices that I am making. I know I was taking WAY too much insulin when on shots (almost 100 units a day) and that got my weight up to 230 pounds. Once I started pumping I went down to 33 units a day and I was not eating low carb, just being smarter about the carbs I did eat. You can do it with exercise and portion control. I learned to love free foods again like sugar free jello and dill pickles to help me feel fuller.

Weight watchers has worked well for me. i am down a total 54 lbs since July. But you know when folks would tell me stuff like that I would jsut think they are them and not me. Well I figure WW, has just been really good.

Rick Phillips

Have your insulin needs changed since losing the weight or the changes to your diet, Rick?

I really did see my total daily dosage go down from 50 units per day to 40 units. A lot of that, I’m sure, is bolusing for less food than I used to. But eating more reasonably at meals helped me need less correction insulin and have less highs, too. So overall, my balance of basal vs. bolus is more where my medical team always wished it was.

Drexxy, the real questions to ask are; Are you taking more insulin, now using the pump
Are you consuming more calories, drinks, as well as foods
Are you on any new meds, some medications can cause weight-gain
Have you changed your exercise routine or stopped exercising
Have you changed your diet or food intake habits since pumping

There are a lot of hidden factors in weight-gain with diabetes a lot of us don’t realize. Like diet drinks, they still have carbs, and calories. They are filled with salt that can bloat you up. Most everything in the packaged foods are over salted. Be a label holic, meaning watch the Sugar, Carbs, and Salt content on the labels which can push the weight,
amongst other unwanted effects. Yes, I have lost a total of 15 pounds permanently in the last 1.5 years. I hope this helped.

Your friend in Diabetes,


I gained about thirty pounds during the first year that I was pumping; I quickly discovered that it was really easy to give another bolus and eat more than I should. Also, the more insulin on board, the easier the weight goes on (or so I have been told).

I lost weight (and got MUCH better bg control, BTW) by trying to limit carbs and pre-bolus. I still splurge regularly, but it is much more manageable.

So I know this will sound like heresy, but I’ve been a type I for over 10 years now, and I have no idea how to count calories or carbs. I think this might by my mind’s little willful disobedience, but it needs to change. Does anyone have some advice on how to get started and effective ways to slowly change one’s patterns?

Well I carry the updated Calorie King book like a eating out bible for one…it’s not always accurate but it gives you a starting place to figure up carbs. Another way is I weighed and measured my food religiously to start with until I got better at recognizing portion size my eye. Now don’t get me wrong, I still have problems sometimes figuring all of this up, especially combined meal such as pizza and spaghetti BUT using these tips gives you a good starting point.

I’ve managed to lose almost 100lbs on the pump, but then gained about 30 of it back. I would just eat a really low carb diet and if I was going low, I’d decrease my insulin using the temp rate. Of course, ok it with your endo first :wink:

oh and I did an hour of cardio 6 days a week and 20 minutes weight training 3 times a week

Do you use the exchange system still? If so, it translates pretty easily to carb counting. 1 starch or fruit exchange = 15g of carb, 1 milk exchange = approx. 12g, etc.

The reason why carb counting is so crucial to many of us is that if you can determine your insulin to carb ratio, you can manage a fairly precise dosage to cover your meals. It’s much more accurate than exchanges.

How do you cover your meals now? Is there a set amount of a fast-acting insulin you bolus at meals? Do you always eat the same amounts? Do you count total calories? Blindly estimate? How do you figure your meal boluses? That will help give us an idea as to what your first step should be.

I have, after a healthy weight gain (60 LBS), i started Weight Watchers and I got it all back. I do recommend WW it has been really good for me, and if you see that 60Lbs walking aorund, kick it in the butt, i do not want it back.


Hey I know where half of it went LOL to my bum.

It’s all about burning more calories than you eat. I wear a pump and have lost 10 lbs in the past 5 weeks by cutting back on my calories and continuing to bolus for the carbs as needed. As the weight comes off, I’m finding I have to dial back my basals a bit so I don’t go low.