Well Crap - my brother, age 33, just called me from the ER. He was feeling bad at work(he works at a hospital) and asked a nurse to check his BS...it read HI on the meter...so they sent him to the ER - 1 hour later he got the news--Welcome to the World of Diabetes.
BS 686 and A1c = 11.0. They juiced him up with 10 units of insulin and an hour later his BS was 228 - I said, well at least you will get your first low out of the way while you are in the ER, get ready - 1 hour later he was 60.
So far, he seems to be handling the news fairly well...he grew up with me, I have been diabetic since he was born - and I have never let diabetes stop me. To me diabetes is a matter of perspective--it doesn't have to be that life altering...but it will be a pain in the finger.
With a blood sugar of 686, I would be shocked if he was diagnosed as a type 2. Type 2s usually are able to keep their blood sugars much lower than that because they still make and can use insulin - they just use it very poorly.
I’m sorry your brother was diagnosed, but at least he has you to help educate him. He’s also probably much more educated than most type 1 diabetics are when they are diagnosed, so I guess he has that to be thankful for. Hope he joins the group so we can help him through this.
Thanks for the replies - Type I - he starts lantus tonight… you know hospital doctors - they dont know anything about diabetes - they gave him dinner without testing his BS and with no insulin -an hour later he was 290 - the order the dr wrote was to test his BS every 4 hours - he demanded the order be re-written to every 2 hours…the dr did comply.
Oh wow Mollie - that does suck. If he’s got any questions about what it’s like to get this in his early 30’s, send him my way. I think 2.5 months since dx counts as a serious newbie. Hope to see you soon.
hey, at least he has you to dish out advice and help when he needs it unlike many others like myself who start from scratch. the doctor bit was a bit disturbing. i am lucky that my endo ordered HOURLY blood sugar readings when i was diagnosed, perhaps because of the DKA and ICU stay too.
Sorry to hear that Mollie. Lucky for him to have access to an experienced pro like you. And at least it’s not something totally foreign to him, so I’m sure that helps a lot with his acceptance. I’m sure your example is a big plus for him.
Hi Mollie. My husband was misdiagnosed as a type 2 at 37 and re-diagnosed upon a hospital trip as a type one at 39 4 months ago. While it sucks, I am glad he has your support!
Hello, I am Mollies brother Mark and I just got home from the hospital. The news was a bit overwhelming but I think I am adjusting well to the diagnosis. Growing up with Mollie I learned a lot about diabetes and figured once I got past my teens I was in the clear. I guess I was wrong… Thankfully diabetes can be managed very well in todays world.
My blood sugars are still on a roller coaster but I took my sisters advice and went to the store tonight and bought single servings of fruit, veggies and some frozen dinners so I kn ow exactly how many carbs I am eating to figure out my carb to insulin ratio.
I am sure I will be asking for some advice in the future from you all.
Hey, Mark…glad to hear you’re home. This is your cousin, Maura, connecting with you via an online community before getting the good ol’ fashioned Hallmark out in the mail. My mom keeps me up to speed relaying messages from your mom and we’re all thinking of you. Speaking of mothers, I assume that what’s posted in comments stays in comments. Everyone else out there, you kinda have to know our moms and the almost-chapter-status number of people with type I diabetes in our family…although I’m sure that’s familiar territory here.
Thanks Mollie for telling me a possible way to stay away from the “unawareness” stage of low sugars.
Your suggestion comes to mind all day - along with the fear of going into that stage again…so I’m letting my sugars keep higher. It’s better than the alternative. I am really scared still
Called my endo doc and told his nurse how TERRIFIED I was and she wrote my concern/questions down and assured me it would get to him. No call back. That really upsets me.
Sorry about Mark. Yes, he is fortunate that he is mature (he is not a child like we were when we were diagnosed) and his sister lead him in the right direction from the first minute he found out.
Thanks for writing to me.
Oh, Mollie…What is that constant glucose monitor thingy you were talking about? It has three initials you used in your post to me, but I am unfamiliar with what that is…
33… that’s the exact age I was when I was diagnosed. I had the same reading at the doc. HIGH was all the meter read. So I was sent to the emergency room. And when they took a reading it was 735! Yow!
Looking back, and having now learned a bit more about being a type 1 diabetic, I can honestly say, I have it good compared to the ones diagnosed when they were kids. I already had a lifetime of experience to go on.
You could say it’s “easier” to be diagnosed later in life, but it doesn’t make it any better. You still have to be ultra-disciplined in your diet and activities. No one is going to be following you around making sure your injections are just right, and your testing as often as you need. Too right! You’re an adult now, so you have to take care of your self. (Man, where’s your mommy when you need her?)
I cried like a baby the day I was diagnosed. And blamed the world and it’s brother for my condition. Then I got over myself and got on with the process of living and learning to deal with what I was dealt.
I can say with all honesty, it’s made me a better and more empathetic person. But I’m still just as sarcastic and nutty as ever.
Hi Mark!! Glad to see you are home and survived the ordeal.It’s like me.I made a decision that this condition would not get the best of me.I am now pumping.This condition is treatable.Keep your spirits high Mark.