Where do I begin to thank you all for giving me knowledge. My son was rushed to the hospital very ill. His BG so high I am sick to even mention it. He is still in the hospital but thanks to you I am loaded with the right questions. However my son, who turns 24 Thursday- how does he own the fact that he will come out of the hospital insulin dependent and need to learn a whole new way of life. I need good Karma sent our way. Thank you all for all your bits and pieces so I can talk to the endo and sound like I know and advocate for him. Here is praying one day he will advocate for himself.
Sending prayers your way.
All the Good Karma I can muster is on it's way. I hope your son gets better soon. The more you talk about him the more he sounds like Type 1. It sounds like he is in DKA which is very rare for a type 2.
Maybe this hospitalization will be a wake-up call for him. If he is type one he will have no choice but to accept the cold hard truth that diabetes does not go away and must be dealt with now and for the rest of his life. If he really is T2 that doesn't change the fact that he must learn to take care of himself because T2 doesn't go away either. Type 2 can be held at bay sometimes with diet and exercise if started early but it sounds like he is way past that point.
It might be a good idea to get him involved here at TuDiabetes. There are a lot of folk here to give advice, encouragement and support.
Best of luck and bless you Mom for caring so much.
Saying a little prayer for good doctors to guide him (& you) towards better d-knowledge & caring for himself.
This trip to the hospital has to be awful and scary. But perhaps he'll realize once his sugars are stabilized how much better a person feels at normal bg levels and get motivated to stay that way. So my early birthday wish for him is that he's able consider age 24 to be a new lease on life and not a death sentence.
Sending you hugs.
PS - Seeing as you're doing a lot of sitting at the hospital, perhaps someone can bring you a copy of "Think Like a Pancreas" or "Using Insulin"? It could give you reading material that will also help you with questions about your son's treatment.
The books roodgirl mentioned are a great idea - they are bibles for insulin use, and will further arm you with great info.
I'm SO sorry your son has reached this point of crisis, and so glad you found us for added support! Many of us here have suddenly had our lives changed by suddenly finding out we had D, or becoming insulin dependent. We've all dealt with it differently; I hope your son's path to acceptance is a smooth one.
Sending loads of good energy your way! Please keep us posted, and do visit chat!
He started advocating for himself on his birthday the 13th when he got up and ripped out his IV and announced he was leaving (obviously feeling better). The doctor wanted to wait and I thought he would throw the doctor out the window. I took him from there right to the endo and a whole new insulin story for him. He is now not only on Levimir but Novolog. He did come to my room and when he woke up the other day to say he felt dizzy but his fasting was 150. A far cry from nearly 600. I know he might feel strange when it foes down that fast and he is doing alright. He has hated the words insulin dependent but I think he has embraced it. He needs support, at least meet other people his age like him. Baby steps. You are all so supportive. Thank you.
I'm glad he is doing better. Hopefully he will like the way he feels with lower bg and will continue. After being in the 600 range I'm sure a 150 read made him feel a little low but that will change as he learns to control hi D. Sometimes it's not low low you are that makes you feel low but rather how fast you drop.
Good job Mom in getting him this far. I'm glad he has accepted being insulin dependant. That alone is a major victory and is nothing to be ashamed of. I look at insulin depentant T2 not as a loser but as a winner doing what he/she has to win.