What Books Have Helped You?

People frequently suggest books. I thought it would be helpful to have a separate thread so people can directly search, rather than info being scattered through different discussions.

Those repeatedly recommended:

Think Like A Pancreas
Pumping Insulin
Blood Sugar 101: What They Don’t Tell You About Diabetes
Diabetes Solution

Great idea Gerri! I can only second your recommendations, as those have been the books that helped me most.

My Dad was diagnosed with type 2 a year ago and found this book to be VERY helpful:
The First Year Type 2 Diabetes: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed
written by GretchenB, who is also a member of TuDiabetes!

There is also a site linked to Amazon:
If you order the books through that site, you get Amazon prices and services, but a small portion of your purchase supports Diabetes Hand Foundation (who runs TuDiabetes).

Perhaps through this discussion, we will find more good books to add!!

Good Calories Bad Calories
Diabetes Solution

http://www.phlaunt.com/diabetes/ (before it was a book, Blood Sugar 101 was and is a great website)

Thanks for your kind words about my book!

In 1998, on the day of my diagnosis (or actually nondiagnosis,since the doc insisted my blood sugar of 240 mg/dl–blood calibrated–in the office was “nothing to worry about”) I stopped at the public library and there on the “new books” shelf was a copy of Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution.

What a life-changer. Had I not read it, I would have believed my doctor the next week when she told me that the office test was “a fluke” because my fasting blood sugar was around 100 and my A1c “only” in the mid-6% range.

Dr Bernstein’s book got me testing (at my own expense!) and I saw blood sugars well over 200 every time I ate carbs, so I knew I had diabetes. When I followed his diet for a few weeks I lost half of the 30 lbs I’d packed on the previous year, though I’d not been able to lose anything with the low fat diet.

His letter praising my book is one of my proudest possessions. After it was published the editor at Diabetes in Control insisted I send Bernstein a copy. I did, without expecting any response since my approach is quite different from his. Mostly I wrote to let him know what his book had meant for my life. His endorsement was a wonderful surprise.

I credit him with saving my life.

I intend to pick up a lot of books in the near future in relation to D, can’t wait.

Pumping Insulin by John Walsh & Ruth Roberts
Paradigm REAL-TIME Insulin Pump User Guide

Thanks Kristin. I’m glad my book helped your dad.

Diabetes for Canadians for Dummies Ian Blumer, M.D.,F.R.C.P. © & Alan L. Rubin, M.D.
How to Prevent and Treat Diabetes with Natural Medicine …Michael Murray, N.D.

Psyching Out Diabetes - it’s been out there for some time, but was immensely helpful to me in coping with the emotional junk that db throws our way.


Thanks for the adding the Amazon link. Ooops, I completely forgot about that!

Jenny, you’re the one who turned me on to Dr. Bernstein. I found your website the day I was dx’d. So by the next day, I had a pretty good idea of how to manage this disease. I especially appreciate the way you summarize the studies and then post links. If I’d tried to manage my diabetes according the ADA’s recommendations I’d be in real trouble right now. Thank you.


I found out about Dr. Bernstein from you site, also! When hospitalized (where I was diagnosed), I was reprimanded by the nurses for not eating. French toast & cereal for breakfast, grilled cheese on white bread with French fries for lunch, bean soup, some meat & more potatoes for dinner. I kept asking if they were sure these were diabetic meals. The nurse would point to the artificial sweetener & sugar-free ice cream:) I felt ill from the little I was eating & being shot up with huge amounts of insulin. Though I knew nothing diabetes, eating like this made no sense.

I kept searching the web looking for info until I fortunately stumbled upon your site. Finally, I found something that made sense. You changed my life!

Diabetes Solution
The Diabetes Diet