When you finally have a morning free to go do fasting blood work, but you have a low in the morning that ruins the “fasting”
Yeah, Baby!
When your infusion set REALLY STINGS …
For Omnipod users: When you start doing a test with your PDM without pressing “Confirm” for the THIRD TIME TODAY!!
When I first became a T1 over 30 years ago meters were new to the market. My insurance company didn’t deem them necessary for diabetes management! Urine dip stick was just fine!
All the well meant advice from non-diabetics…
T1 45 years ago was even worse. If you didn’t eat exactly what was prescribed you were in big trouble, but probably didn’t even know it until six hours later until you peed on the damn stick. Then you got to starve for eight to ten hours.
But we need to look at these things in context. About 90 years ago my maternal grandfather died from t1 diabetes—because there was no insulin available yet. I would rather pee on a stick than die.
I am more than grateful for the advances in controlling diabetes that have occurred in my lifetime. 45 years ago I would have never imagined it.
I change my lancet every time I do a finger stick. And I also have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you for a great price .
I remember my grandmother boiling her needles when she visited us.
I saw @ diabetescouk post this on Twitter w the caption “When you’re watching tv and see a serious misrepresentation of diabetes”
I told my Doc and Endo overnight fasting was too difficult. They don’t prescribe any fasting blood work for me unless it is absolutely necessary. The last time was years ago
Here is how I feel with diabetes.
When my wife’s grandmother asks us if its the “good kind” or the “bad kind”
When encounter diabetic food police.
How I feel when my cousin asks me for probably the 50th time, “what do you think caused your low?”…while I’m trying to treat it.