I am a member been in hibernation a while. Live in Spain. Am T2 we dobt have 2.5 here! Thanks
latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA
In my humble option I like this site better. Am t1 but have broused beyoundt2 site, am member of beyond t1 site.
Should have started with welcome, sorry.
According to the Mayo Clinc:
Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is a slow progressing form of autoimmune diabetes. Like the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes, LADA occurs because your pancreas stops producing adequate insulin, most likely from some “insult” that slowly damages the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. But unlike type 1 diabetes, with LADA, you often won’t need insulin for several months up to years after you’ve been diagnosed[quote=“muleman, post:1, topic:75462, full:true”]
I am a member been in hibernation a while. Live in Spain. Am T2 we dobt have 2.5 here! Thanks