When Old is New

I’ve had diabetes for over 15 years now. Most of the time, it’s very old news. I know how to carb count, I know how to test my blood sugar, I know all the finite info that makes diabetes exactly what it is.

But times have changed incredibly since the day I was diagnosed. Times have changed just in the past few years. I never remember hearing about online communities for diabetics. I wasn’t ever offered a support group of any type. The only thing I ever did to meet diabetics were summer diabetes camps, which gave me several close diabetic friends.

Now I’m getting into the online diabetes world. And loving it. I started blogging with dlife.com earlier this year. It’s opened so many doors and offered a completely new perspective to me. I admin for diabetesteentalk.com which has shown me the incredible insight of today’s diabetic teens. I started volunteering with JDRF recently, which has further opened doors. I’m working on an international project with a fellow diabetic, hoping to spread hope and information to international diabetics.

Tudiabetes is my latest venture into the online diabetes world. I’m not sure what I’m hoping to get out of it. But hopefully, it will offer me a new way to find support and information.

Each of these communities has something different to offer us: different perspectives, different people, different goals. You will find some overlap between communities, but we may show slightly different sides of ourselves, or slightly different attitudes, in each.

I’ve found a handful of dLifers on the two larger Ning sites (TuDiabetes and its sister, Diabetes TalkFest), and I’ve found a handful of TuDiabetes “regulars” on Diabetic Connect (Amy Tenderlich’s beta site on Alliance Health). There are a few of us on TuDiabetes who cross over to Diabetic Rockstars (another Ning group). Diabetic Connect seems so far to have more of a news-and-technical-info orientation, and Diabetic Rockstars has a distinctly in-your-face attitude (where else can you find people without diabetes referred to as “abnormal”?). And it goes on from there…