Why do tu members leave the tu community?

Love your attitude, Marps! Just keep on trying to help people, and working to make this a peaceful, happy community. And congratulations on the pregnancy – not too much longer to go, although at this point, I know it feels like forever! I can hardly wait to hear when the baby is born! :slight_smile:

If the dog helps keep you with us, for more reasons than one, I am all for it! Having suffered depression for far longer than diabetes, I find it to be far more disabling. Your emotional well-being is just as important as your physical well-being! :slight_smile:

Don’t you DARE move to Michigan!!!

It’s funny that this thread was just started since I haven’t been on tuD since December.

I can say very frankly that the reason I quit posting is my perception that it’s a heavily T1D-oriented forum and I felt a fair amount of negativity toward T2D’s. That said, I’m not mad about it & do look in from time to time.

No one forum will necessarily appeal to everyone. Good luck to all of you!

You are all beautiful! And I’m so thankful for the Tu-community (each of you).

I always tell people about this site because it has been so helpful in my own diabetes management. That being said, I “left” the community (was I ever really gone?!?) for about a year when I was dealing with a lot of things in my life…I’m embarrassed to say it but I was also ignoring my health a lot.

And I am just one of many who is glad you are back!

Barrie, I do see your point about it being heavily Type 1 oriented. But the only way for Type 2’s to be represented is to find your voices and POST. That’s why I started a Type 2 group – there are major needs and concerns for Type 2’s that are not being addressed very often, but the Type 2’s need to bring up the subjects themselves. That’s what advocacy is all about – being vocal. The more Type 2’s who stop lurking and start talking, the more friendly the forum will seem.

Thank you Natalie. She has been a blessing in more ways than i count. I am less stressed and my A1c has improved dramatically. I am more motivated and don’t feel burnt out. I agree your emotional well being is very important as well. Plus my safety is not as much of an issue which makes me feel better.

Hey all we don’t need to go into comparing this Type & that Type. Let’s just learn more about the Types. OK?

If someone attacks you personally (called an ad hominem attack in debating!) you should bring it to the attention of one of the administrators. They work VERY hard at keeping the peace, and WILL take action if warranted. On the other hand, don’t get into a spitting contest with anyone – no one wins in that case.

I have also seen really rude remarks made about Type 2’s, and again, I would take it up with the administrators. This is not a place to insult ANY group of people, and I’m sure the administrators are doing their best to keep it that way.

And you’re right – some people never grow up!

Alan, maybe not a shut down of the person. Sometimes all they would need is just a good warning and problem solved. If they disregard warning then turn them off.

Manny, I would have guessed that there were a lot more T2 here than T1, just based on its occurrence in the population. Sounds like this isn’t true? Can you say what the percentage breakdown of registered members here is (T1, T2, T1.5)?

Alan- Yes I understand and mostly agree…but remember we are NOT all adults as you said. There are a lot of kids and young teens that post here. I try to keep that in mind when posting.

I am also a member of the ADA site (no offense Manny). It is very different. The T1 and T2 forums are maintained as separate communities, often duplicate posts are made in each forum because the intent is that you if you are T2 you should stay in the T2 forum. I have in fact been criticized there for posting wherever I wanted.

You may find that you like that forum style. But please don’t just leave, you can have the best of both worlds.

I resemble that comment (at least according to my wife).

Members are given cautions (several) before the decision is made by admin to suspend. It’s not a decision that’s taken lightly & we deliberate & treat each on a case by case basis. Spammers are instantly banned. It’s not easy to moderate an active community this size & we also depend on members to report violations & inappropriate behavior to admin.

I encourage everyone to review http://www.tudiabetes.org/profiles/blogs/the-values-of-tudiabetes & http://www.tudiabetes.org/main/authorization/termsOfService?previousUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tudiabetes.org. Both are located under “About Us” at the top of every page. Any questions, just ask.

Manny & the team work hard nuturing & maintaining a respectful & diverse venue where all are welcome.

I suspect a lot of them are better at science than many of us grownups!

Alan- Well that’s how it started but who knows by the time the discussion is over. I guess that is up to all of us to decide. Usually it never ends the way it started. I should have thought about that.
But really, it is good to discuss what people get sensitive about, and how not to cross boundaries. That will make a better stronger community.