Will the new pods be compatible with the old PDM?

I just read Omnipod's website about how they're switching over to the new system, and existing users will eventually(?) get a free(?) upgrade, but my question is... will the new pods work with my old (2 years old this summer) PDM... and if this whole "current users will get a free PDM upgrade" is true... will the old pods work with the new PDM?

(I have a lot of old pods, I don't want to waste them. And while I'm sure I'll love the smaller size... I honestly think the 'bulkier' pods are still much more convenient than the tubed pumps so I will still use them if I can)

I imagine getting all this switched over will still take a bit of time, I'm just trying to prepare myself! :)

No it won't...that's why they won't ship new pods to you until they also ship a new PDM at the same time.
So if you want to continue using up your old stock, you'll have to keep using the current PDM.
Some people have mentioned keeping a few of the old pods and the old PDM around as a "backup" in case the new one has issues at some point.

Old pods only work with old PDMs.
New pods only work with new PDMs.

That's probably what I'll end up doing! I might be switching insurances soon and I'm always a little paranoid about that...

Thanks for clearing it up! :)

Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think it was very clear on their website, but I'm glad someone understands things better than I did :)

I think insulet is waiting until they get low on their supply of the old pods before they upgrade any of us.

I'm on my 2nd day as a pod user (or any pump) and have read a lot: I think there is a recycle program on the Omnipod site: they send a bag and you fill it with old pods and they recycle them :)


Congrats on picking the pods as your pump! Hope you like them!

There is a pod recycling program...it is for used pods though. So after you wear them, you save them, and then if you sign up for the recycling program, a pack (which is a bag to return them in) will be shipped when you are shipped replacement pods. As you mentioned, you throw the used pods into the bag, and use the pre-paid fed-ex bag (that comes in the pack) to send them back to a recycling company.
At least that's how it worked with the old pods...I would assume the new pods will utilize the same system.
But it's not a recycling program for fresh old pods, unfortunately :)

Insulet does not pay for the FedEx shipment, the pod consumer does.

Eco-Friendly Disposal FAQs

Why do I have to pay for shipping? Other companies cover shipping costs.

Insulet is dedicated to keeping the Pod’s hazardous waste out of our nation’s landfills. However, the value of the recovered metals just offsets costs for the complex processing of hazardous waste; it is insufficient to cover shipping costs. As a small, highly focused company, any added costs we incur would have to be taken from research and development monies or else passed on to our customers. We feel it is better to ask program participants to help directly, by paying for the shipping, rather than raise the cost for all our customers.
