I went to the dentist the other day and it's looking like i'm going to have to have my wisdom teeth out.
SO, my question is: has anyone else here had their wisdom teeth out?
I'd really like to hear about anyone's experiences. Did you have any diabetes related problems with the surgery or recovery? Is there anything important to know about the surgery with diabetes?
I haven't seen the surgeon yet for a consultation or anything. I'm really just interested in personal experience.
Our whole family has had their wisdom teeth out! So have a lot of people on here! For starters, put "wisdom teeth" in the search box and see what comes up! Biggest question is whether you're going to have all 4 out or 2 out at a time.
Second is the consultation with the surgeon & what he wants to do.
Third is the consultation with your endo who may have some advice on what to drink afterwards and how to hold your BG steady with whatever you're doing for your diabetes.
You'll be just fine, but tackle these questions as if you were having a college exam: write down what all comes up so you're prepped to ask the surgeon what he's planning.
I had all 4 removed at once. My savior was regular Jello.. I was told not to take the pain pills without eating. This kept my numbers high enough. The removal itself made my numbers ride a little high for a few days so lows weren't a problem for me.
However, the pills totally knocked me out. I was living at home with my parents at that point and I'm grateful my mom was able to look after me and test for me while I was in la-la land!