Does your Insurance Company cover your Glucose Tablets? Mine does even though it's an over the counter medicine. My Endo said no one ever asked him to write a prescription for glucose tablets before. That I was his first. I always just asummed that since it was over the counter that I had to pay for it. It pays to check into what your insurance covers!
I buy smarties or sweettarts. They are a dollar per bag or box. And I eat no more than a bag every three months. On the other hand my co-pay is $25 per prescription so it definitely isn't worth my trying to do it.
I haven't even asked if they cover it. But my guess would be no, or yes with a co-pay that makes it not even worth asking.
My insurance does not cover anything that is available without a prescription.
It is all a matter of your insurance. I just had a scrip written for ketone strips. The pharmacist said insurance would not cover it. I asked her to check again. I paid a $2.00 copay for a $25 bottle. She was amazed.
I am very lucky, but sometimes it does not hurt to ask.